[A][EU][Chamber of Aspects]<Mini Heroes> 4/8M is recruiting!

Progression : 4/8M. We’re currently the number 3 guild on our server - and looking to push ourselves to get CE in Eternal Palace. We want you to help get us there!

Raid Times : 20:00-23:00 Weds/Sun (Server Time, of course)


Healers - We’ve got some flexibility here, ideally we are after someone who can be flexible between rdps and healing.

Ranged DPS - Hunters! Otherwise we are pretty flexible really - as long as you can make the things die, whilst also not dying then that’s a great start, we’d love to hear from you.

Melee DPS - Our melee spots are quite well contested - if you think you have what it takes to fill one then give us a shout.

If you want to apply please fill in this form: https://forms.gle/1SymLTz68TgmscQb8 and one of the officers will get back to you as soon as we can! That or contact Lewis#9294 on Discord or Elmshadow#2612 on battlenet.

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