We are a group of friends who have made a guild after not finding a home elsewhere. We have a keen interest in raiding, specifically getting curve each tier. If we have the players we are more than happy to go further, but for now that is our current goal.
We are also looking for any players who would like to push M+ as we are going to be running multiple M+ runs throughout the week.
We are going to be raiding on WED/SUN from 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time, with possible extensions for progress kills. There will be an additional raid on FRI for the first couple weeks of progress and for alt/achievement runs if interest is there.
The raids are going to be chill, with bants and talk throughout (although we may get serious when getting a kill on progress)
We are currently recruiting all rolls and specs, so if any of this sounds appealing to you, discord (TerrahLol (Sam)#5903) or in game (TerrahLol#2493), and of course socials are always welcome!
Hope to hear from you soon!