[A] [EU] LF Guild To Raid With

Hey All,

I’m looking for a guild to raid with, any realm just give me a message in this forum

Hi, what type of guild are you seekind? Raiding and m+ only or something which has various activities and is highly social in discord inside and outside of game/raid?

If your goal is raiding with m+ to the side then Punished could be for your
You can read more about us: Punished [Dentarg/Tarrem Mill][A/H] is looking more for s4! from here and make up your own mind are we a fit for you or not :slight_smile:

Was looking for a Raiding/PVP guild

Thu Raid Team - 19.45-00:00 server time

Sat Raid Team - 19.45-00:00 server time

is 1-day Raiding Guild with two teams. Our goal is to get Ahead of the Curve and as many Mythic bosses as we can during each tier. Last tier we achieved Cutting Edge N’zoth on 1-day/week raiding.

We run two teams - One for people that can only raid weekends and one for those that can only raid weekdays. Each has their own Raid Leading Team. You can have a character in both provided you meet the requirements of each team.

Reasons NOT to join

  • You want CE or are only here for progression. We are not that kind of guild. We always strive to do our best but it’s not our main objective.
  • You do not love raiding for the sake of raiding and get frustrated when progress is not as fast as you would like.

Who is Archaic Order?

was established 3 months after launch of the game(vanilla) on Skullcrusher (EU), where we were amongst the first 10 guilds to kill Ragnaros, Onyxia etc on our server. We have successfully raided through all expansions up to and including the current one.

Our guild is about letting people with “Real Lives” experience the end-game content within a community. We want it to be the place where people login and hangout as if they were at their local pub or coffeeshop. It’s a place where friends meet up and do things in-game.

We’re a multi-national guild with members that span continents. We’re mostly guys and girls ranging from 20s-40s and the guild chat reflects that, we try and act mature and sensible, but sometimes we can’t help it, and our inner-teenager shines through with “That’s what she said” jokes… has a zero tolerance policy for racism and toxicity overall.

We value nice people who can perform well and fit into the guild more than just being “the best dpser ever”, so try and get to know the other guildies and have some fun, as well as raids/arenas/M+s. If you can make the off-day activities then fire up your mic and don’t be shy to talk on Discord.

  • You are a good player that just doesn’t have the time to commit to other raiding schedules but still want to see end-game content.

-You want to be part of a community that does M+, achievement runs, alt raids etc on a regular basis on a thriving server.

  • You just love playing WoW and want to find a stable home with a good environment that’s been around for years and isn’t going anywhere.
  • You are looking for a mature and respectful, yet fun multi-national environment with like-minded people.