Hey people,
I’ve played wow on and off over the past few years and have just started playing again in Shadowlands after stopping at the start of BFA. I’m trying to find a group or new people to chill out and learn the new content with. I’ve tried joining guilds and community’s over the past few weeks but most of them don’t seem to be too active or new player friendly. So looking for people that hate the pug’in scene and want to learn the new content with like minded players that don’t mind failing and can have a laugh about it.
Btag - Monzter#2611
hi, was looking exactly for the same thing. add me up or anyone else here welcome also #21611
Currently recruting Any Specs but in dire need of more healers! <<
The Guild was formed by a core of people who know each other from real life, and we’re currently recruiting geared people for Nathria Progress and Mythic+ pushes!
Plan is to clear Normal ASAP and continue in HC.
Raiding Fri & Sat from 19-22 server time.
We’d like to build a tight knit community with around 15-20 active raiders.
We’re a mature and chill bunch of players, love to have fun and help each other out without any drama. During raids we like to joke around (politically incorrect), but at the same time maintain a serious atmosphere where everyone is prepared, gives their best and is willing to learn from their mistakes!
If you see yourself in this apply ingame, or send me a message on discord!