[A] [EU] Mirage Raceway

Hi all. LFM for 10m raid stack.
Need tank (DK prio, for OT Proto pal or Dru)
Heal prio : DC priest and Holy pala. Also can be restore sham
Dps (Rogue alrdy have) : loc, elem, dru (melee), arms
Right now we have : Mage (me) and Rogue.
1st main mission - full NM. Then, trying HC. Loot Council. Friday\Sunday RT. Lvling guys can join with helping start :slight_smile:
RT i hope we will makes like 20:00 into 23:00 ST
Any questions = pls, /w me in game or send ur application in game :slight_smile:
discord : ndHYk2Ve9a