[A] [EU] <PVE> Essential looking for new friends and guildmates

just send me a /w ingame shadowlifes for inv no problem you are most welcome


Would love to join, together with a friend of mine. Returning for Classic, haven’t played retail in ages, just checked the expansions and went crying. About us: Netherlands based, 38 and 41 years of age, old Wow veterans, Hordies, looking to have a good time, this time Alliance (I want to roll Paladin, so there you go). Looking for a good time, meet people, relax, work together and don’t take it too seriously.
How long haven’t we played online games? Well… how does “how does this whole Discord thing work anyway?” sound to you? :slight_smile:

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hahahaha i had the same with discord at a time so dont worrie about that , you are most welcome .if you can figure out discord then by all means join but if not we are on mirage and just /w me ingame at shadowlifes for invite so i can send you .
we have a lot of people with the same mindset and also a real life .
so please be welcome even if discord sounds like a chinese thing to order :slight_smile:

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Hi Vitesse,

I also had the same thing with Discord, but it’s pretty easy to use. We can always use more fellow dutchies :slight_smile:

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and all other countries (before people run away scared due to dutch people :slight_smile: :slight_smile: )

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Stil open for new friends 5 days ahead discord alive and kicking pre-fun started ,so if you are stil looking for a nice firendly guild that does respect real life and dont want to push you doing stuff you dont want please come on in :slight_smile: lets enjoy classic together .

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So much new people but one common characteristic: They all want to experience the game without unrealistic requirements but yet still be a great social group.

Feels like this culture is growing nicely.

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Lot of great people on the guild discord every day. Community is active and friendly, so if you are looking for friendly guild, look no further. Join us!

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I should mention that we are very active on discord and as of right now there is 70 people online so its very active and sociable just figured id let people know what kind of online numbers we have before we even have wow classic :smile: .

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thanks for sharing this mate, i must say im super exited :smiley: :smiley:

People still spamming about this guild… Sheesh!
Just join it already you lovely lot :stuck_out_tongue::kissing_heart:

Btw our discord is totally awesome!

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one more weekend to go peeps enjoy and get ready for launch , lot of very nice people joined us in our adventures into classic or what most will cal it "home " so if you dont have anything yet and you enjoy playing the game without any pressure and have a lot a fun along the way …please hop in say hello and perhaps we will see you ingame.

Discord https://discord.gg/WNgMeag
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Great people, active community and the only place to be for Classic :slight_smile:

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shameless bumpity bump come join us all you wont regret it

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for the alliance!

Over 200 people already joined us in discord. It’s going to be a amazing ride. Join us on our road into WoW classic.


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2 days to go!

still time to join this busy active and generally great guild guys and gals come join us you can find the discord link further up

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Yeah no bull. its a very cool guild and very active on Discord and we still have another day til classic :slight_smile:

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Wingardium levios-UP :stuck_out_tongue:

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