[A] EU - Pyrewood Village Cata. <One More Run> New guild recruiting

Hello my name is Aloemon from One More Run. We are currently on the lookout for new players to fill our ranks. We are openly inviting anyone no matter class/spec or experience who wants to join our guild.
As we are a newly made guild we would like to fill our ranks with like minded people to run content with. Myself and the GM have just crossed from retail to classic so are currently levelling characters up but both have exp in raiding which is something that we would love to do as a guild once we have the members and the gear.
Currently we are running as a social levelling guild until that time. If this is something that sounds up your street, or if you have any questions then you can find myself or the GM Marksterr online or add me on bnet.
Thanks and see you in game!

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