[A] [EU] [RAVENCREST] Bad Condition 9/10HC SOD 6/10M CN LF Raiders!

Bad Condition is an Alliance guild on Ravencrest EU. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild, which aims to create a reliable, strong and semi hardcore raid team, to progress in a Mythic raiding environment.

The current raid times are from 20:00 to 23:00 PM Server Time and the days are Wednesday and Thursday.

We would like to have a nice community of players to play with, enjoying all aspects of the game, no matter what area you specialise in, whether that be a social, M+ player, raider.

An active discord server with lots of fun and interaction with the members! Members within the community who are always willing to gear and improve as a player. We would like to be a home, where anyone can be apart of our community, in a laid back environment yet willing to pull their weight when necessary. The Officer team look forward to hearing from you, please whisper us in game either; Ichi, Santidade, Naemer

Otherwise catch us on Discord - Mirthrollir#3376 Ichiryu#4653 Naemer#0754

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