[A-Event] Alor'el Spring Festival đŸŒș

Game introduction:

Aka “Bonk Be With You”; a new festive multiplayer game tailored to fit night elf theme.

Game Mechanic

The competition uses the Foam Sword Rack as a game mechanic, which allows players to conjure and equip a Foam Sword. Equipping the sword activates the “ON GUARD!” buff and lets you ‘bonk’ other sword-holders.

Please note the Foam Sword from the rack is a different item than the separate toy called Soft Foam Sword.

The rack lasts some minutes and has a 30 minute cool-down, but the conjured swords themselves don’t have a timer. Players can drag the sword from their Character Info into an action slot.

You’re now ready to bonk!

In-Character the Foam Swords will be light, padded wooden swords.

Competition Format

The competition consists of two different matches. For the first match, the participants are split into two opposing teams of even numbers, called “Summer” and “Winter”.

To make it easy to distinguish who’s in which team, team Winter players drink a stack of Desecrated Oil to turn themselves greyscale. Each Desecrated Oil adds +1 minute to the effect duration. The item will be provided by the host. In-Character participants mist themselves with an alchemical mixture giving a temporary (stain-free) effect.

Match 1

The two teams line up at the opposing ends of the game field (marked with smoke flares, raid markers or similar). The goal is to eliminate the opposing team by destroying their swords through bonking. Eliminated players must leave the game field. Once the opposing team has been eliminated in full, the team whose member(s) survived proceed to Match 2.

Match 2

The team whose member(s) survived Match 1, proceed to fight for victory in a last person standing among themselves. Another Foam Sword Rack is placed for the players to conjure a new sword if it was destroyed in the previous match.

The victor of Bonk-Alore is the last person standing from Match 2.

Additional rules: Movement and camouflaging spells, abilities and items are forbidden. Their use results in the player’s immediate disqualification.

Please note this will be the competition’s trial run. Hopefully it proves both fun to play and fun to watch!