[A-Event] Alor'el Spring Festival đŸŒș

Posters in Alliance settlements invite people to visit Ashenvale to celebrate the coming of spring, and the kinship among all kaldorei and their allies. There shall be guided dancing, contests, raffles and a theatrical play! Revellers are encouraged to wear outfits or accessories inspired by blooming flora.

Got nostalgic about the old Spring Festivals in Darnassus that I used to organize, giving a shot at doing something new!

Date: 12th & 13th April 2024
Time: 19:30 ST
Faction: Alliance
Location: Dolanaar in Teldrassil OOC, Ashenvale IC. Dolanaar will act as a no-name area somewhere in Ashenvale, though if one wanted to give it some name for IC purposes, they could refer to it as Alor’el Lodge.

Time: 19:30 ST

Guests are welcomed to the event. The hosts and first night’s activities are introduced.

Time: Right after the welcome speech, until the tickets run out

There’ll be a limited number of raffle tickets handed out on a first come, first served basis. Due to the limited stock, only one ticket per person.

Raffle update: Because Letter items cannot be traded at present, you’ll instead be given the phrase within the ticket in /whisper, and your name is added to a numbered spreadsheet next to that phrase when your character obtains the ticket in-character.

The raffle is drawn after the Guided Dancing, likely around 22:30-23:00 Server Time. A person is eligible to only one raffle prize during the two days. Those who didn’t win anything on Friday may try their luck again on Saturday.

Raffle prizes:

Time: 20:00 - 21:00 ST

Sahoenna Lunasky invites revellers to test their knowledge on nature, kinship and history. Max 6 participants, sign-ups taken after the welcome speech.


  1. Each contestant has three lives. Failing to answer a question in given time or giving an incorrect answer results in loss of one life. Once all three are lost, the contestant is eliminated from the challenge.

  2. Each question must be answered within 45 seconds of Loremaster finishing asking it.

  3. Should the contestant succeed in answering the question, they may select which of their opponents answers the next question. If they in turn answer correctly, they get a right to chose the next contestant to answer a question.

  4. If a contestant fails to answer a question after being selected by another contestant, the one to have previously answered correctly may not select them again untill all other possibilities have already been exhausted.

  5. The contestant to answer the first question will be chosen at random.

  6. The final contestant that remains in the game will be crowned the victor.


The visual represents a quill pen. The first-place winner will receive a link for downloading the item graphic, and may use it in character profiles etc. as a representation of an item in their possession. They may gift their prize to another character if they wish to.

Time: 20:00 - 22:00 ST

We welcome stallholders to come sell goods, provide services or small entertainment such as fortune telling, darts, Hearthstone matches, and so forth! Anyone from the Alliance is welcome to set up a stall provided its theme is reasonable with the locale (e.g. dark magic wares might not be a good fit). If you’d like to set up a stall for Friday and/or Saturday, please reach out to Acrona about booking a spot!

Spot 1: -

Spot 2: Nicolas Potions and Tinctures: Medicine and other alchemy products

Spot 3: Coalworks: Blacksmithing services

Spot 4: Dustcloud Corporation: Kaldorei food and drinks, body products, adventuring gear

Spot 5: The Night Wardens’ Naval Trade: Naval trade goods (such as luxurious imported silks, exotic wearable goods and jewelry) and a naval themed minigame

Spot 6: Borealis Bakery: Delicious sweet treats by Viiumi

Spot 7: Available

Spot 8: Moonrise Hermitage: Kaldorei wines and assorted drinks

Time: 21:00 ST

Similar to the Kaldorei Dance Nights and Lakeshire Dance Night, this activity features choreographed dances that include movement and emotes. They’re instructed step by step, and meant to be easy to follow along without practice. There’ll be 3 different choreographies.

The emotes used in the choreographies will be written in CAPS, for example: “One step forward! CLAP!” A couple of the dances are designed to be done with a dance partner, so people could look for a dance companion already during the first hour of the event. The dance partner roles won’t be gendered.

To help imagine the characters dancing, Watch2Gether website will be used for synchronous background music that will be played by NPCs In-Character. It’ll make things more atmospheric and immersive when you can hear the tempo and spirit of the songs used for the dances!

Event music stream (dance music starting 21:00 onwards)

Activity map

Time: 19:30 ST

Guests are welcomed, and the second night’s activities introduced. Link to event music stream

Time: Right after the welcome speech, until the tickets run out

There’ll be a limited number of raffle tickets handed out on a first come, first served basis. Due to the limited stock, only one ticket per person.

Raffle update: Because Letter items cannot be traded at present, you’ll instead be given the phrase within the ticket in /whisper, and your name is added to a numbered spreadsheet next to that phrase when your character obtains the ticket in-character.

The raffle is drawn after Bonk-Alore, likely around 22:30-23:00 Server Time. A person is eligible to only one raffle prize during the two days.

Raffle prizes:

20:00 - 21:30 ST

We welcome stallholders to come sell goods, provide services or small entertainment such as darts, Hearthstone matches, and so forth! Anyone from the Alliance is welcome to set up a stall provided its theme is reasonable with the locale (e.g. dark magic wares might not be a good fit). If you’d like to set up a stall for Friday and/or Saturday, please reach out to Acrona about booking a spot!

Spot 1: Roy’s Pet Pals: Purveyor of animal companion supplies

Spot 2: Nicolas Potions and Tinctures: Medicine and other alchemy products

Spot 3: Coalworks: Blacksmithing services

Spot 4: Dustcloud Corporation: Kaldorei food and drinks, body products, adventuring gear

Spot 5: The Night Wardens’ Naval Trade: Naval trade goods (luxurious imported silks, exotic wearable goods, jewelery and gems) and a naval themed minigame

Spot 6: The Verdant Dryad: Druidic crafts, natural jewelry, herbs, instruments and more!

Spot 7: Available

Spot 8: Available

Time: 20:30 ST

A theatrical play about love and kinship based on an old night elven tale.

(Artwork: Zoltan Boros, Folk & Fairytales of Azeroth)

Time: 21:30 ST

An all-new festival competition no less chaotic than Moonball!

Bonk-Alore Game Introduction & Rules

Signing up happens at the festival right before the competition begins. There’ll be some background music to spice things up!

Bonk-Alore Prizes
The visuals represents in-character pendants. Tier 1 is for people whose team wins Match 1 - each person may may pick their favourite color option. Tier 2 is for the winner of Match 2.

The winners will receive a link for downloading the item graphic, and may use it in character profiles etc. as a representation of an item in their possession. People may also gift their pendant to another character if they wish to.

Activity map

:grey_exclamation: While open to all Alliance, we kindly ask players to be mindful of this being a kaldorei inspired festival in their own lands, and to avoid risking conflicts that could disrupt the scheduled activities.

As the event may be crowded, the Listener AddOn is helpful for keeping track of the chat messages of chosen players when there is a lot going on.

Related to the event theme: Flower Festival art initiative - draw your character in a bloom inspired outfit!


Ohhh this looks like alot of fun, Acrona!

I would love to tag along, sadly I am gone for work the whole month of April and abit of may :frowning:

Nonetheless I hope you have fun! A Acrona-sponsered event is always filled to the brim with good and nice people! :slight_smile:


Update: Location & name change!

It’s been many years since Legion, and I had forgot Legion Invasions aren’t confined only to the Invasions points, but impact Lorlathil very visibly as well. Not wishing to risk unfortunate timing, the festival’s location and name (Lorlathil Spring Festivities) have been changed.

After revieving alternative locations and talking with people, it was decided that the event will take place OOC in Dolanaar (Teldrassil) and IC in Ashenvale. The place works well for the planned activities, is calm in regards to PvE activity, and the atmosphere works nicely for the event. Imagining the world bigger than its in-game representation, Dolanaar will act as a no-name area somewhere in Ashenvale. If one wanted to call it something though for IC purposes, could refer to it as the Alor’el Lodge:

The new event name is inspired by the Alor’el flower, a type of plant with heart-shaped leaves curling along graceful branches, with an old Darnassian legend tied to it. (I’ll be hosting a flower themed character art prompt as well, for those who enjoy drawing their characters!)

With this change the event will be Alliance-only, and since this makes running the activities more straightforward, the event is more open to guests & vendors from the rest of the Alliance as well!

Man, visiting Dolanaar gets me in nostalgia feels.


Preach :cry:


Game introduction:

Aka “Bonk Be With You”; a new festive multiplayer game tailored to fit night elf theme.

Game Mechanic

The competition uses the Foam Sword Rack as a game mechanic, which allows players to conjure and equip a Foam Sword. Equipping the sword activates the “ON GUARD!” buff and lets you ‘bonk’ other sword-holders.

Please note the Foam Sword from the rack is a different item than the separate toy called Soft Foam Sword.

The rack lasts some minutes and has a 30 minute cool-down, but the conjured swords themselves don’t have a timer. Players can drag the sword from their Character Info into an action slot.

You’re now ready to bonk!

In-Character the Foam Swords will be light, padded wooden swords.

Competition Format

The competition consists of two different matches. For the first match, the participants are split into two opposing teams of even numbers, called “Summer” and “Winter”.

To make it easy to distinguish who’s in which team, team Winter players drink a stack of Desecrated Oil to turn themselves greyscale. Each Desecrated Oil adds +1 minute to the effect duration. The item will be provided by the host. In-Character participants mist themselves with an alchemical mixture giving a temporary (stain-free) effect.

Match 1

The two teams line up at the opposing ends of the game field (marked with smoke flares, raid markers or similar). The goal is to eliminate the opposing team by destroying their swords through bonking. Eliminated players must leave the game field. Once the opposing team has been eliminated in full, the team whose member(s) survived proceed to Match 2.

Match 2

The team whose member(s) survived Match 1, proceed to fight for victory in a last person standing among themselves. Another Foam Sword Rack is placed for the players to conjure a new sword if it was destroyed in the previous match.

The victor of Bonk-Alore is the last person standing from Match 2.

Additional rules: Movement and camouflaging spells, abilities and items are forbidden. Their use results in the player’s immediate disqualification.

Please note this will be the competition’s trial run. Hopefully it proves both fun to play and fun to watch!


In-Character poster, which could be spotted in night elf & Alliance settlements around the world.


This honestly looks like so much fun, and I’m glad the dates have shifted somewhat so I’m actually going to be able to attend! :grinning:

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Thank you for bringing this up, regrettably it’s a mistake on the poster which I’ll fix that asap! The dates should be 12th & 13th April. Big apologies for the confusion and I hope you’ll still be able to attend even if only one of the days!


Oh no!
Unfortunately not as I only return home on the 14th so I definitely wont be able to but I am certain it will be spectacular regardless!


I’m sorry to hear! Fortunately there’ll still be Byltan coming up later, hosted by the wonderful TinwĂ«tar :heartpulse: Many festivities to partake this spring!


Born too late to explore the world.
Born too early to explore the stars.
Born at the perfect time to experience another amazing Acrona RP event.


Hype, hype, hype. Stuff looks really good. Can’t wait for it!


Excited for this! Unfortunately for me, the timeframe is a little awkward, but I hope to be able to still catch the later half of the events (and maybe even still be eligible for the raffle tickets?).

Also will be really nostalgic to use Teldrassil again after all this time. :pleading_face:


@Beans I sure hope to see our knightly gnome have a go at Bonk-Alore! An opportunity to sunrise another Beans mantra through awing the audience!

@Zarenliah cheers, glad you like the look of this!

@Nera sorry to hear the scheduling might be tricky for you, hopefully you’ll still catch the event in some capacity and have a good time! As for the raffle tickets, wanted to avoid them overlapping the main activities (and using them as a prompt for people to arrive in good time), so the limited amount will be handed out after the welcome speeches on both days. Can’t guarantee there’ll be tickets left when you arrive, but fingers crossed!


Bonk-Alore Prizes!

The visuals represents in-character pendants. Tier 1 is for people whose team wins Match 1 - each person may may pick their favourite color option.
Tier 2 is for the winner of Match 2.

The winners will receive a link for downloading the item graphic, and may use it in character profiles etc. as a representation of an item in their possession. People may also gift their pendant to another character if they wish to.


Those pendants look awesome, and now I feel sad I cannot try and win any of them!

Nonetheless, I hope that whoever wins this Bonk-Alore wears their prize(s) with pride!


Shame you can’t make it but see you next time, Mori!

Schedule update: swapping the play and Bonk-Alore around on Saturday, because the latter has a risk of overrunning and this gives people more time to be there for the sign-ups.

Play: 20:30 ST
Bonk-Alore: 21:30

Nera, you’ve no excuse now not to class-change into a LARP boffer fighter.


Wish you the best of luck with this kaldorei festival!

The perfect blending of immersive vibes with something endearing and funny like bonk-alore is one of the many things that make your events so iconic.

Err- I mean, let’s stop with the compliments we are the rival faction! Bel’Ameth? More like Be Lame heh heh this must be devastating to read.


Whose events you calling conic? Should I make them rectangular or cylindrical instead!? :older_woman: We’ll see how rusty this host is in the festival field!

Always the Nightborne flitting in with their vicious mockery, heard you’ll be hosting the Nightmold Day soon, hope it stinks! :wind_face: :cheese: No one but also everyone should absolutely attend to witness the menagerie degustation, arcwine parade and whatever else our zany cousins have come up with! :triumph: :heartpulse:


Related to the event’s theme, I’m also hosting an art initiative called Flower Festival on social media:

While the initiative is open for all original characters (OCs) regardless of fandom, the outfit may also represent your character’s outfit for the upcoming in-game event which is why I’m sharing it here. For Alor’el Spring Festival guests are encouraged to arrive in outfits inspired by blooming flora, and for Byltan the recommended dresscode is pastel colours.