[A-Event] Stormwind Harbor Market

It sure will be nice seeing Stormwind Harbour alive for once. I’ve added it to the Gnomish Air Corps event list. See you there!

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"Miscellaneous Meals and Merchandise, presented by Pyremaw Investigation Agency" added to the list!


A few pocket watches to be sold by Old Mary at the market. Since I already have plenty of gold on the Alliance side and I’d like to give more people a chance to get some art of an item their character owns, I’m not going to auction these but instead Mary will be selling dublicates of the designs for IC currency alone. Art by me


Lost and Found Raffle from Stormwind Investigation’s collection! Since our last raffle at Redridge, the storage lockers are overfilling with all sorts of eccentric trinkets, peculiar items and aberrant collectibles! For the low donation of 20 coppers towards the veterans charities, you get one ticket for the raffle in the hopes of getting something extra special. Look out for a full set of gold dentures, or the latest edition of Harrison Jones’ novel signed by the legend himself!

One citizens junk is another one’s treasure!

Acrona, if you’ve got room for us we would love to hold a small stall for the raffle. Thank you!


The description sounds fab and I’ve added you guys to the list! Thanks for joining in! :clap:

Edit: “Marciella’s Cupcakes” added to the list as well!


Hey! Just wondering if you were looking for vendors that will be selling food and drink? The Pig and Whistle lot would love to help you out with that!
We also run a pet shop could “Fluffs and Feathers!”, Hopefully we can grab a couple of stalls! We’re also looking forward to this event! :smiley:

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The more goods for people to browse the better, would be happy to have you! Having a stall for food and drinks is appreciated and I’m curious to see the pet stall! I’ve added them to the list :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much! :smiley: We look forward to the event!

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Definitely going to try to visit this, external factors permitting :slight_smile:

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Tangle Vine Trading added to the list: a variety of items such as wine, beauty products and miscellaneous other goods!


Items that will be available at my alt Old Mary’s trinkets stall (art by me):

Edit: Image updated with an Alliance themed pocket watch

Mary will be selling max 3 items per character because she’s paranoid that people trying to buy a lot at once would only resell them for a higher price - and because OOC I’d like there to be some variation as to what different characters come to own. Edit: Even so, for clarification, duplicates of the same design will be sold.

The customers will receive a link to a separate image of their item of purchase via /whisper

I hope people like the designs!


Added to the list of stalls & activities: Travelling arcanist from Kirin Tor: Aeilmar Lytton readily predicts your future!


FANTASTIC work on that art! Looking forward to this!

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You already know how much I love your events, Acrona, so I’ll definitely be coming to this one as a customer!
Fizzle will definitely want one of those pocket watches.

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Great! Looking forward to seeing you there Fizzle & everyone else!

And wait - we have even more happening!

  • Test your strength in the High Striker game - see how high you score with the hammer! And if you break into a sweat; grab a mug from the adjacent cider stall!
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… I might even dust off this character for this. Sounds great!

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As always i am looking forward to another spectacular event.
I think you all is doing a marvellous job as ever.
I can’t help myself but i do feel pity for my character who will be broke by the end of the week without a doubt :smile:
The mage faire is today and tomorrow the market …

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Is there still time to join up with a stall?

I’ll have a list of what I’m selling available some time today.

Arienne’s Alchemy Supplies and Reagents will be available at the Market! :slight_smile:

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Absolutely! The Harbor is large and there’s plenty of room for lots of stalls to spread around :slight_smile: I will add you to the list, cheers for joining in!

:shopping: :wave: :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:

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Looking forward to this tomorrow! If I’m able, I’ll almost definitely look to attend on an alt.