A few improvements to balance druid

1: no choice node between pulsar and orbital, now you can select both, but incarnation duration is slightly reduced, think like new dh meta, 2 min but slightly shorter duration, 24 vs 20 seconds after the “rework”, do something similar here. Also orbital will help a lot with burst aoe.

2: sundered firmaments 100% effectiveness on fury of elune. The damage is too weak, simple as that. This combined with the orbital strike change will allow balance to have a modicum of burst aoe without it being too strong. At least 50% though, even the astral power gen is at 20% power, come on blizzard, seriously?

3: starweaver changed to proc the same spell, i like this talent but the proc works in a weird way, or it should automatically proc the other spell off gcd on it’s own.

4: moon talents insta cast, and slightly buff fury of elune to compensate. This is mostly a gameplay change, insta cast on moon talents would be very cool.

5: Nature’s grace works with pulsar again when it overwrites an eclipse

6: if you;'re not gonna buff umbral embrace at least sundered firmaments needs to be very strong. I would be fine with that, but you you actually have to tune sunder properly…

And that’s about all.

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