A few questions with regards to Covenant swapping

  • If I change covenants do my current missions off the table of previous covenant get cancelled?

  • Can I upgrade other covenants and go back to previous covenant while it’s still upgrading?

  • Do general Followers [Meatball, Conan, etc.] carry over or would I have to earn them again via Torghast?

Currently sitting on 190k anima, already got everything with the Kyrians off Vendors and Rares… still got to do the achievements to get a follower to 60 and the mission table Campaigns. >_<

Missions get cancelled when you swap. Very annoying but I imagine it was to prevent you having four covenants on the go at once.

I have not tried the upgrade thing, I would presume that carries on but I don’t know.

The followers are already earnt from what I remember. So they are ready to go.

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Lame… leveling followers is painfully slow. Guess I’ll buy a 10k XP tome before I hit the 200k cap. :expressionless:

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I think I only ever maxed them with the Venthyr and they were so weak but it was my main covennant at the start of the expansion.