Inner Circle is Recruiting!
- We are currently recruiting for Dragon Soul 25m, progressing into heroics soon (7/8N)
- We are on the lookout for a couple more dps to fill our roster
- Our raid days are SUN and WED 19:00 - 22:00
- Loot is decided via loot council facilitated by the RC Loot Council addon
More info
We are a dedicated bunch of friends from across Europe and aim to provide progression in a friendly but focused atmosphere raiding 6 hours per week. If you can commit to raiding on Wednesday and Sunday evenings, have a good attitude, like to have fun and play your class well and read up to know the fights, we can offer you a stable and enjoyable raiding experience.
We will always consider interest from exceptional players, however at present we are mainly seeking to recruit DPS from the following specs/Classes:
- Fire mage
- Shadow Priest
- DPS Warrior
- Ele Shaman
- Retribution Paladin
We expect you to have ~385 ilvl at this stage to hop straight into the start of heroic progression, however if you are close and can demonstrate your potential, a positive attitude and commitment to maximising your character outside of raids, then the guild can help you to gear (e.g. Twilight dungeon spamming). Flasks and food are provided during raids but certain addons and being properly gemmed, enchanted and itemised are mandatory. Willingness to improve your character, help others and take constructive criticism are a must.
If this sounds good then please drop Myself (Sangoat) a msg in game or via our discord - feel free to join and @ me or send a dm. Look forward to hearing from you and smashing all remaining raid content through Cataclysm and into the next expansion!
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