A fix to solo arena gameplay

We can all agree that solo shuffle is a flawed bracket. MMR issues, toxicity, PVE-like gameplay, lack of healers / long q times, you name it. At the same time considering how gaming in general, and WoW especially, has developed towards valuing solo game modes over team activities, a solo mode is perhaps in either way required. My suggestion (I’m surprised not to see more people advocating for this) is that the shuffle format is scrapped and a normal arena solo q is implemented in its place. Reasons:

• MMR issues are much better handled when it comes to one game being played at a time instead of 6 rounds. It’s easier to balance the MMR of the players and MMR / CR changes are not so extreme. You also avoid these terrible scenarios where someone goes 4-2 or even 5-1 and doesn’t gain rating, since you can track MMR and CR after each game played. A one-round game mode is what the current MMR system is developed to handle.

• My experience is that toxicity comes from the 6-round lobby format of being stuck with the same ppl for multiple games in a row. It’s much easier to grief, complain during the following rounds, punish, wintrade, leave after some rounds, etc, when playing this format. Pretty much all these points except maybe rage whispers will be solved by changing to one arena game played only.

• Due to the nature of shuffle having dampening ramp up so rapidly, together with standard CC nowadays being devalued, the gameplay tends to be extremely PVE based. I’m not saying that normal arena gameplay is amazing right now in that regard, but it’s at least a bit better from a healer point of view. It is not fun to play healer being global capped and spam heal PVE dmg while avoiding micro-CC from people not knowing/caring about DRs in high dampening %. What’s fun is doing offensive / defensive plays while healing reasonable pressure and rotating CDS in a decent way. Implementing a one-round game mode that mimics real arena rules fixes these issues in my opinion. It’s also easier to balance the two game modes, removing “solo shuffle changes” e.g. 90 sec healer trinket, that only make the real arena quality worse in general.

• Connected to the bullet above, healer participation is a big problem for shuffle. Making the game more fun for healers, as described above, is a good way to address that. Another positive consequence is that you don’t lock people (healers) in the same lobby for 20-30 min at a time, which will drastically lower q times for DPS players. It’s also much more rewarding to see progress after each game instead of waiting 6 rounds just to see you gained 0 points.

So, what is the biggest argument against this change? The one I can think of is that some might say one game at a time has situations with unfair advantage / balance problems for comps. But that is already the case right now. You can find yourself in a lobby where you know you will go 0-6 before the first game even starts. Only difference with one game lobbies is that you are not forced to stay in that crap for 20 minutes or more. Now instead of rolling the dice once and get 6x games, you roll 6 times with 6 different outcomes, and it makes this change an overall balance improvement. Blizzard has also altered the classes to be extremely like one another, making most of the comps today at least playable.

Hopefully more people can push this agenda on multiple platforms since I strongly doubt Blizzard reads the forums.


TLDR: 1 game solo queue arena, i.e. what everybody wanted since day 1 anyway.

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Blizzard devs, given the chance, will always choose to reinvent the wheel for no reason.

Imagine calling yourself an engineer while suggesting this 6 round system. Multiple people at blizzard said yes to 70%+ dampening after just 2 minutes, completely giving the middle finger to healers. Said yes to free queue decline to make wintrading easier than ever. Said yes to 100-200 lower rating for healers compared to DPS because the MMR pools are split.

The only reasoning they gave for 6 rounds was that it fixes RNG, which ofc it doesn’t, it just moves the RNG around to some poor sucker that has to play 6 unlucky rounds in a bad lobby. And on top it makes it worse compared to 1 round because the map never changes, which is a major part of RNG.


It is what has been said by many through the entire DF when shuffle were implemented that it is not the “soloq we asked for” nobody asked random iteration of 6 round format with different ruleset to arenas. People have been asking soloq formats as they know them from other mmos and priva for many years, imagine the disappointment when they finally cave in but instead its implemented as something complete else, instead of something that has already been proven working elsewhere in a normal arena soloq type design.

This is exactly what happent with soloq arena, instead of the format people asked for that is working elsewhere, we got something that is not it nor even working. Ppl can have 2-5min dps ques elsewhere on soloq arena formats, why do I have to wait 50min for 2 years playing some shuffle design in DF, I would like to know how it could been designed any worse from this.

And now top of that they touched blitz matchmaking and added bit algo related limitations to specs and instead the 1-2min from beginning we now have 15-25min ques but no difference in the games just longer ques. I think it should be self explanatory why these ques are bad, nobody plays game to wait 20-50min in some ques.

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No just make it fair, everybody and there mom knows that is simpler too climp as DPS eaven Blizzard stated this but havw done nothing because they are incompetent
Mmr favor DPS, a DPs goes 0-6 as DPS you get auto 4 wins ??? Why does Healer get there a 3-3 wich could lower your mmr

Highest DPS 150 raiting above highest healer

You get less carry potential as Healer a 3-3 is your job well done in a lobby it should give you a bit raiting

Also increase the range where the opposide healer count as equal, you are 1600mmr the opposide healer 1590 you alrdy need too go 4-2 or you will loose

If you rewerse it so healer is simpler too climp then DPS you will have wait time on Healer and insta on DPS

They just need to ditch the whole 6 round format and make the arena soloq format. Shuffle type format of 6 rounds where only heals stay constant heal vs heal is never going to be in favor for heals. Heals try it, they hate it, they stop queing it. Ques go astronomically long.


Are you less likely to intentionally grief games if it’s a 1 rounder?

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I think so. My experience is that once the guy loses first 3 rounds, he’s not giving his 100%. Another example I’ve seen is how some get tilted from not receiving certain spells from the healer/dps during previous rounds and because of that play worse intentionally. Like didn’t receive freedom or bop from the healer the game before, or the ret didn’t sanc, etc. This happens sometimes even if you won the previous round but the guy gets irritated anyway. I’ve seen dps perma tunneling healers because they don’t like target choices in ealier rounds, hunters not traping since someone told them they missed every trap, well you name it. So many griefing moments due to the 6-round format.


Oh that wasn’t a general question, it was to the guy who is well known for being a serial griefer

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