[A] <Frost Phoenix> 3/10M Recruiting For Progression

With Castle Nathria cleared on heroic , we started mythic progress, and got 3/10M. we need more people to continue our progress

Our raids are:
Thursday 20:00 - 23:00
Sunday 20:00 - 23:00

We are currently looking primarily for ranged DPS, (prefer mage/warlock/boomy), but other specs will be considered. We are also looking for one more healer (prefer paladin/monk) . But if you have a history of (and an appetite for) mythic progress raiding, we won’t turn anyone away :slight_smile:

Check our wowprogress page for more, and if you’re interested, please reach out on:
GM Btag: unforgiven#2139
Officers Btag: Skycall#2683 , ŠŦEALŦH#2542

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