Fruit Salad is currently recruiting for it’s main raid team.
We’re a driven raiding guild that farms BWL sub 1 hour, and MC, Ony weekly! As well as multiple ZG’s in preparation for future content.
Who is Fruit Salad For?
This is for you if…
You want to clear all current and future content effectively
You can commit to raiding on Sundays 1900-2300pm ST
You are willing to listen and learn
You want gear progression
You want to be in an environment with focused yet still friendly people
This is NOT for you if…
You want a super serious hardcore raiding guild that requires flasks every raid
You want competitive speed runs
You want a DKP loot system
You want server first kills
You want to be awake at 3am killing world bosses
Current class demand:
Healer Priest
Resto Druid
All applications regardless of class will be taken into consideration and if we feel you’d be a good fit for Fruit Salad, we’ll discuss the potential options moving forwards.
Any further questions please message me on Discord or in-game @ Kilbride