[A] Future tank is looking for a guild

Hi there, fellow adventurers and guild leaders! :smile:

I’ve just started my own adventure with Classic WoW and I’m looking forward to TBC. That’s why I’m looking for a guild in Alliance matching raiding hours with my available time, although I will reconsider switching to Horde if there will be no such a guild on the blue side of the conflict.

Same as many of you I’ve got other responsibilities in real life which I’ll always prioritize over any game and that’s why it would be very hard to me to match popular hours I’ve read in many guild advertisements on this forum. I’d be glad if I could find a guild raiding Mondays/Wednesdays/Thursdays 17:00 (5 PM) - 20:00 (8 PM) Server Time.

So, maybe some words about myself.
I’m 29 and was playing WoW for a few years back in the days of my teenage. I was playing mostly TBC on private servers (yup, I know that’s nothing compared to retail experience, I beg for forgiveness! :pray:) and I think I know, or rather knew, that expansion pretty well. Back in the days I was playing enhancement shaman but now looking forward to prot warrior. I like to have things planned, that’s why I’m looking for a guild since the beginning of my journey, and I’m somewhat perfectionist. I like things clear. I don’t like to change things in my life much, so I can assure you I won’t leave guild for some petty reason. I’m open to critique and always looking for improvements.

I know I’m just some random low level warrior right now but I aspire to carry raids as a tank some day. :smiley: Oh! And I play on Mirage Raceway but that’s same as faction - can be changed.

See you around!

We might be of interest to you!
Check out our post here: [H] Dreadmist <KINSFOLK> Semi-Hardcore Guild Recruiting for TBC
Or add me at Kwiddo#5634 for a chat :slight_smile:

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