[A & H] Calm Keystones


In anticipation of the new expansion, I was looking around for a cross-faction community for running keystones in a… chill manner- only to find that most of the current ones are dead or faction specific.

I’m hereby trying to set up a new M+ community for anyone who wants to do friendly M+ runs in Dragonflight. It doesn’t matter if you’re new, returning or veteran - anyone is welcome as long as they do not bring toxicity and bad behavior into the community.

In this community, you’re expected to:

  • Be friendly.
  • Don’t be an elitist jerk.
  • Don’t rage-quit. Stay with the group.

As the community is small now, I’m making no guarantees that we will have members or any interest of doing M+ before the expansion drops. This is a community for the upcoming expansion, and the more people we have joined before then - the quicker we can start doing M+!

If you’re interested, you can join here:

There is also a Discord server:
(Replace * with t)