A/H- Hunter/Pally LF place to call home/progress

Greetings all,

I've been playing this game on and off since TBC. I took about a year off from September 2017 to the launch of BFA. Since then I played a lot when the game launched however, not being playing much lately.

The reason for this is simple, I've been pugging everything, playing alone in an MMO as big and diverse as this sucks. I'm not after anything hardcore as I consider myself a casual player just looking to have fun and enjoy the game.

So this brings us here and now. I'm looking for a guild to enjoy the game with and push content. I am willing to move to any server and faction change if needed. I have this hunter and my pally https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/defias-brotherhood/Echohavoc

I'm 27 and from the U.K I have a full time job and commitments most weekends, therefore most of my activity will be though out the week after work. I will occasionally play at weekends but can promise to attend raids etc.

Now if you've taken the time to read this far I commend you (sorry this is a bit long). The final thing I'd like to say is I am genuinely interested in finding a guild to suit my needs, therefore, if you copy and paste a guild recruitment page and don't take the time to actually read this, I will just ignore you.

My battle tag is Eskib0y#21957 add me if you want to chat more :)
Hey mate, we'd happily take either character if you don't mind a realm/faction transfer to Sylvanas. Sympathies on the PUG life, we've all got our stories.

We're a smaller guild split between Norwegians and British, majority of the people in a similar position to you. Late 20s, full time work.

Usually got a few people knocking around each night, enough to do an M+ or two, and we run raids on Thursday 8/9pm server time and something on the weekend, but the weekend one generally depends on peoples schedules. So far it's varied from Sat - Sun - Mon - Tues. Currently 5/8HC

I'll add you when I'm not in the office, but if you're near a computer quicker gimme a shout on jobdone#21477
Hey friend,

This post struck me as our circle is very similar to what you described!

I founded a Guild with 2 friends - all 3 of us from the UK, all ~27, all full-time employed

We raid Monday and Wednesday evenings and are starting to round off our small core team

Outside of this we push any and all content (Mythic+, BGs etc)

This leaves the weekends for "life" but usually ends up with alt runs, helping gear lower Guildies and the like - we are committed to helping the people who want to raid get their characters able to raid :)

We also offer a community which you could join before you look to transfer - aswell as joining the Discord

I've added you already - look forward to hearing from you! :D