A/H I am looking for a new home

Greetings fellow people of zandalar tribe!

Please excuse my English, this is my 3rd language but I am gonna try my best to avoid mistakes:)

Are there any rp communities that not only do pve and pvp content but also have small real life meet ups / guild vacations once a year or so?

Background: I am now 26 years of age, and way back when I was 16 years old my fondest memory of wow was our guildmeet up where I could finally meet all those people behind the screens! I really want to be part of such a family again :slight_smile:

And since I wanted to rp now for a really long time but never got the chance to, I thought why not go ahead and ask the amazing people of this server!

I don’t really mind the faction and the form of rp, although I would love to try exploration or military based rp with a ranking system. In terms of pve and pvp, I really want to do all the raids and participate in open world pvp and BGS, although i am not aiming for a specific rank.
In terms of a class, I was planning to play a hunter.

If you have any questions, you can add me at Snowlight#21558 or here on the forums:)

Thank you so much for reading,



is a military/horde based roleplaying guild with a focus on world pvp and heavy roleplay. We have a ranking system too. We will probably do raids + definitely open world pvp and BGs.

If you’re interested, add me on discord rushork#7231

Hey we are New Alterac ^^ We mainly to RP and PVP, defend hillsbrad and other allied territories that are attacked daily by the horde. We also try to reclaim and re establish Alterac, and have found allies in many guilds.

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haven’t been succeding at that recently o.O

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idk I usually stick around for 1 hour and when it is empty for good 10 minutes I leave. havnt lost yet although they put quite a fight. too bad they murder innocents too

Alliance… Innocent… you’re joking right haHaa?

Ya, sorry it was us who invaded your planet, twice… Because we destroyed ours and needed a new one. Also after years of war and finally coming together to destroy a common enemy it was our allies that started massacring farmers and PUPPIES!!! right? Hillsbrad looks very peaceful btw :3 Finally some higher level allies of horde have been showing up but getting culled nonthenless.

(( Wildly ooc here;

Buuut… Hillsbrad belongs to the forsaken, should they forsake their claim to their property because they were cursed with unlife and shunned by former friends and allies?

I dont claim to be a citizen of Hillsbrad IC, but if I did I would be pretty darn miffed by people taking over mah farm :wink:


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Strictly speaking, the only honorable thing to do if you find yourself an undead abomination yet no longer in the iron grip of the Lich King, is to immediately end your miserable existence, lest he reasserts control and uses you again to murder and torment innocents. Every undead monstrosity walking around for any percieved goal or purpose while claiming to have free will clearly has no understanding or worse, flippant disregard for this simple fact, and it is thus both compassionate and prudent to end it’s existance with MORE prejudice than one would employ toward a simple mindless member of the Scourge


Just to be clear; anyone at risk of joining the ranks for the scourge, should immediately end themselves?

You sir, make a persuading argument.

Need some help making the arrangements? I have sharp knives, good sturdy rope or if you perfer to exit the world in a more stylish fashion I somewhat of an expert in drowning people.

I mean I have tested my will against the horrid bastard, where as you have not - clearly you are more at risk, especially considering the lifestyle your leading - exposing your self to plague ridden scourge like you do.

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Noble idea yes, until you find yourself on the other side of death, overflowing with a new profound will to exist that only Forsaken will know.

Do not be afraid, if your will to do what must be done is lacking, I have a huge ball of fire right here to help speed you along the path of righteousness.