[A-H] LF 2-day Raiding Guild

Hey all,

I’m a Havoc DH main but willing to re-roll for the right guild. (alts; Warrior/Mage)
Currently 9/10 HC (Sylv 50.1% wipe) and 1/10M.

I’m looking for a new guild that is currently progressing Mythic raids with a bit of M+ push on the side.

Raid time availability: -
19:30-22:30 ST Weds/Thurs
Anytime Sun/Tues

Due to working nights, my schedule is quite strict so please only get back to me if your guild raids these times!

Please reply here or add Gaztik#21410 and I’ll get back to you asap!

PS. Willing to swap faction and realm.


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