(A/H-RP)(Campaign) The Search for Perenolde (Kick-off tonight)

It’s a shame, but the ball is a single day, I think shortening either campaign could work out anyways.


Fully agree from an unbiased perspective as well, seems like the better trade off to me? Just my two cents really


That’d make it two days overlap if the event moves.
But well, I suppose your own campaign being put a day forward isn’t an option ?

Unfortunately not, we selected the days for the Tournament/ball so they would be on a week-end.

I know for a fact that the main organiser of the ball is working at night on that friday. Myself I work during the week aswell, hence the choice of both days.


Bah. It is up to the organiser in the end.
But I suppose if it pleases the biggest majority, it’s the better solution in the end…
A shame but eh… Makes it less people inconvenienced ?..

Guild name: The Rotgarde
Faction: Horde
Estimated numbers: 15+
Description: Forsaken soldiers

we’ll also be a day late

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It’s unfortunate, but I’m afraid otherwise it will be too complicated to re-organise everything for us. We are counting on Artists to do IC portraits at some point during the ball, it gets tricky to ask them to switch dates all of a sudden.


:confused: in ten characters

Mark me down as tentative.
Name: Alstoran (Race change + Forum = No dice)
Faction: Alliance
Numbers: Just me, chief
Description: Reasons.
Additional info: I think the idea is awesome, and I hope I am able to attend, but I am unsure if I have a PC to play on with working internet at that time :upside_down_face:

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Apologies for the slightly delayed response.

I have read and understand your point, fellow PCU roleplayers of AD. This campaign, as of right now, begins on the same day as your events do, but the actual heated conflict and RP-PvP won’t start untill at least a day or two after we’ve started. Since a large amount of people are involved in the issue however, I’d like to find the best option to continue with.

Do your guilds mind missing one day of the intro/build-up to the actual RP-PvP or won’t it matter that much? Because I do prefer to give those interested the opportunity to enjoy it as much as they possibly can.

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Through the dark woods and into the cold night, the undead scout moved with a ghoulish frenzy. He rapidly crossed black roads and rolling hills of dead grass on limbs barely able to hold his meager frame. But it would, for unholy strength coursed through what once were veins. Forbidden magic fueled his goal of reaching the lonely Forsaken ship anchored near the shore of northern Silverpine.

Cursed skulls adorned the grey ship laying dead in the water, surrounded by an eerie stillness. The scout arrived on a decrepit rowboat, whereafter he ascended to the deck of the ship. There he found the captain nose deep in matters beyond his rank, bickering with advisors sent from the capital. The audacity he was then willing to portray shocked even the ghastly sailors around him.

“Captain! Captain! This cannot wait!”

Venerable Executors,

My scouts have informed me of a newly risen interest that could greatly benefit to our war effort. A possible do-over of the Proudmoore incident, for we may have found another heir precious to the pitiful notion of peace and union championed by the boy-king of Stormwind. The last heir of Alterac, to be used as a pawn to further our cause. And if not, if anything, to overwhelm the Alliance in their naivety of believing their every move is not watched closely.

Death to the living and victory for Sylvanas.

Captain Blacksail
of The Scorn Lady

Guild name: Heart of Oak
Faction: Alliance
Estimated number(s): 3-4
Brief description: Alliance-loyal marines, not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty.

The current state of signups (thanks to buff Horde guilds):

Alliance total: 29-32

Alliance guilds: 22-32
The Eagles Talon 4-5
Holy Order of Lordain 4-6
The Tempestarii 2
Lordamere Rangers 5-8
Sword of Menethil 2-4
The Roaming Swords 2-3
Heart of Oak 3-4

Alliance individuals: 7
(Kother) Davixon
Eleríth (Snowdrop)
Catherine (Ashcombe)

Horde total: 59-68

Horde guilds: 56-68
Grim Gest 10
The Hand of Conquest 13-20
Painted Shields 18-23
The Rotgarde 15+

Horde individuals: 3
Kump (Gor’kamp Axefang)
(Herbert) Rotsail
(Langley) Donfrey


I would be most interested in signing up as an individual for this!

Name: Amara Crestmont
Contact: Crestmont in-game

I’d like to sign up as an individual.

Name: Rothmere
Faction: Alliance
Brief description: Stromic knight looking for battle with the Horde.

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Signing up as an individual!

Name: Malach:
Faction: Alliance
Brief Description: Aiding the Alliance war-effort.

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Character name: Sir Rhyn Valorian
Faction: Alliance
Estimated numbers: Just me
Description: A knight who really really hates the Horde and wants to see them dead. He’d kinda rude.

Welcome to the campaign! Glad to have you all.

I’d like to sign up as an individual.

Name; Slàv (OOC).
Faction: Alliance.
Brief description: Wanting to see the Kingdom of Alterac prosper and overthrow the stigma cast upon it as a result of a controversial past.

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I’d like to sign up my guild.
Name: Knights of Yore
Faction: Alliance
Brief Description: A brotherhood of knights and their companions who wish to see restitution of the seven human kingdoms
Numbers: 6-8