(A/H-RP)(Campaign) The Search for Perenolde (Kick-off tonight)

I’d like to sign up as an individual as well.

Name: Eadward Campbell
Faction: Alliance
Brief description: Man of Alterac with a big sword

It’s good to see more blue banners joining in!

On a side note: I’m looking for individuals in both factions who are interested in leadership roles. Post here or mail me in-game.

Baron Morsteth of course, without a doubt. :muscle:

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Guild: Order of the Seven
Faction: Alliance
Estimated numbers: 4-8
Description: Pledged to aid the alliance in the seven kingdoms.

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The attendance has been updated as of this post. The Alliance is catching up!

Name: Isaac Emsworth(y)
Faction: Alliance
Brief Description: Gilnean worgen, snooping around for the Alliance.

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Name: Desmond Hastings
Faction: Alliance
Guild: The Wolven Battalion (Only 2 members currently)
Brief Description: Gilnean Rogue. Assisting the Alliance in battle.

Hope I am not too late! Would love to be apart of this!

Guild name : Dawnscale Vanguard
Faction : Alliance
Estimated number(s) : 10-15
Brief description : Both of the Vanguard leaders are currently from the North, especially considering Lady Nightwind is a native to this area. Providing Armed, Magi and Recon, along with Medics, the Vanguard will be on hand to help!


Individual Name: Worlviuz
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 1
Brief Description: To redeem myself for past mistakes.

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Yay, another Ebon to team up with >:)

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Guild name: Hand of Xe’ra

Faction: Alliance

Estimated number(s): 3-5

Contact (ingame names): Kharaas, Telrog

Short description: The ‘Hand of Xe’ra’ is a draenei-led Alliance regiment that holds paladins and priests of all backgrounds, all dedicated to fulfill Prophet Velen’s and therefore the Light’s will. They are a sub-group of the 7th Legion and the Army of the Light, actively aiding the Alliance’s influence over the continents.


Nice, I’m hyped =)


Attendance has been updated. Welcome to the newcomers.

Details for the campaign will follow tomorrow after my last exam. Thanks to everyone involved for showing their enthousiasm so far. It’ll be great fun!


Good luck with your exam!


This looks like a great upcoming event. Mind if I sign up?

Name: Brother Aeldyn
Faction: Alliance
Brief description: The Tidemother waits for no man!

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Guild Name: Silver Fist

Faction: Lordaeron (:ok_hand:t2:)

Estimarted Numbers: 3-6

Contact Ingame: Gjallahad

Short Description: War-unit like the old days Men, Dwarfs. Gnomes and Elves in the name of the Light fighting for the Northren Realms.

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Name: Braden Wymore
Faction: Alliance
Brief description: Stromic mercenary fighting for the Alliance.

Name: Cintana Rivers
Faction: Alliance
Brief description: Warlock, seer and northern partisan.

Name: Lanestra Startouch
Faction: Alliance
Brief Description: Unaffiliated with any sects or groups, this particular elf has none the less taken an interest in the obscure circumstances of Alterac’s fate. And its future.

Guild name: Of Hammers and Hollows
Faction: Alliance
Estimated numbers: 5-7
Contact in-game: Hoginn, Dunvil, Dorrance
Brief description: The dwarves’ inner furnace have yet grown cold, after the horrors witnessed in Loch Modan, their ire still burns hotly and with red-wroth for those that have wronged both kirth and kin, and a bloody score to settle with the unliving!

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