Name: Theirin & Rivain
Faction: Alliance
Other Information: A wandering priest and an aspiring knight looking to make a name for themselves in battle or through adventure.
signing up as individuals, hope you still got spots
Name: Theirin & Rivain
Faction: Alliance
Other Information: A wandering priest and an aspiring knight looking to make a name for themselves in battle or through adventure.
signing up as individuals, hope you still got spots
Name: Jennifer Marlson
Faction: Alliance
Other information: Nurse, wonât be participating actively in PvP (regarding balance), only there for the sweet RP!
Hope you have a spot left. Fingers crossed!
34-07-03 - The Lost Heir
Times were not pleasant in the lands of the Wildhammer Dwarves, and many warriors stirred from the recent battles in Jinthaâalor and further down, in the Khaz Kingdoms. These bearded clans, and Men of the broken realms would thus mend the wounds from battle one night, in the mountainous settlements at Aerie Peak, where they dwelt in relative shelter, and safety. In the midst of such hardened fold as the red knights of Lordain, the Order of the Seven, and the Buringard Clan, the Lordamere Rangers found themselves like crows in the rafters, bleeding from unfortunate ranging and sore injuries.Day broke with the arrival of a man with a mission, declaring himself as one Orentil Palemoon, in whose veins flowed the blood of the alteraci people. His visage was plain and dry, but the words of this trekker of the tundra soon turned the tombstones of buried history, and with gall, he ushered and urged unto these dwarven warriors, kingless Men, and knights of distant realms, the needs of a kingdom long ceased to be. He spoke of Isiden Perenolde, nephew of the mad king whose irate decisions invited the orc clans, and turned his back on the World of Men in one estranged stroke. Though what kingship the name yet held was put into question, erelong dark speech of Syndicate outlaws, and schemes of the Forsaken, the man Palemoon seemed certain that his peopleâs restoration in the mountains would come under the blue Alliance, with a royal resurgence; thus pleading with these refugee neighbour-warriors to help him find his mysterious liege-presumed. Ruptured were talks, but the tattersâ coalition of hunched veterans; Dwarves and Men, eventually decided to ride with course to the West, seeking the Lordamere Lake, whose freshwater body knit many lands.
34-07-04 - Fenris Keep.
During the night, trenches were dug, and riddled with sharpened stakes, as hidden traps of sinister make were snuck into the crevices and cracks of the olden walls. The parapets of Fenris Keep are manned, as hooded eyes watch afar, extending across the water surfaces of the lake. From the ley-line and ruinous sorcery that bleeds out the Dalaran Crater, a sorceress has empowered steely spell traps, to pulsate from under the water. As time passes by, supplies begin to flow from local ranging and foraging, and from the friendly Wildhammer Keep of the Hinterlands, all into the shelter of the old fortress.
Looking forward to see where this is going, with a sizeable portion of the blue-side participants positioning themselves in wait for the story to unfold.
Hey again. Pulling out last second. Big apologies but there is a clash with other commitments. Good luck and hope you all have fun.
Adding if thereâs still room:
Guild Name: Highblood Myrmidons
Faction: Horde
Estimated Numbers: 5-7
Contact: Eirdaras, Elyrius, KorĂane
Brief Description: Horde unit consisting of Blood Elves and Nightborne, will bully you verbally IC
If individuals is not full yet:
Names: Foulcloak and Roadwarden
Faction: Alliance
Other information: Impoverished noble and his shoddy retinue of one.
Name: Obilot. No last name because people confuse it with salamis.
Faction: Alliance
Other information: Sorceress, illusionist.
Signing up as solitary.
I could really use another link for the discord if thatâs possible, would be very thankful
This one is permanent, it doesnât work?
Here is a non-permanent one then, in case it didnât work for you:
Would just to express that I too am pulling out due to other commitments. Good luck though and have fun!
1; Individual name(s) : SâSthia
2; faction : Alliance
3; estimated number(s) : Individual
4; brief description: Former mage of the Army of the Light, now follows Velen.
If there is still space avaliable.
Guild name : The Broken Tower
Faction : Alliance
Estimated number(s) : 3-4
Brief description : A group of knights-errant who claim a home in the mountains of Alterac.
Welcome to the newcomers! Everyone is welcome to participate in the campaign, join camp/keep/castle/field RP. However, in the case of uneven numbers, a selection will be made for the organised RP-PvP battles based on who first signed up and which signed up players are online, in order to keep the organised RP-PvP fair.
The campaign officially kicks off today, with the first fighting happening some time in the evening. Make sure to show up, join the Discord and have a lot of fun!
Here is the updated attendance list:
Alliance total 86-93
Horde total 64-75
Alliance guilds 61-93
The Eagles Talon 4-5
Holy Order of Lordain 4-6
The Tempestarii 2
Lordamere Rangers 5-8
Sword of Menethil 2-4
The Roaming Swords 2-3
Heart of Oak 3-4
Knights of Yore 6-8
Order of the Seven 4-8
Dawnscale Vanguard 10-15
Hand of Xera 3-5
The Silver Fist 3-6
Of Hammers and Hollows 5-7
The Broken Tower 3-4
Assemblage of Uld 5-8
Alliance individuals 25
(Kother) Davixon
ElerĂth (Snowdrop)
Catherine (Ashcombe)
(Amara) Crestmont
Rhyn (Valorian)
SlĂ v
Eadward (Campbell)
(Isaac) Emsworthy
(Desmond) HastĂngs
(Brother) Ăeldyn
Braden (Wymore)
Cintana (Rivers)
Lanestra (Startouch)
(Tragic) Gauntleigh
(Jennifer) Marlson
Horde guilds 61-75
Grim Gest 10
The Hand of Conquest 13-20
Painted Shields 18-23?
The Rotgarde 15+
Highblood Myrmidons 5-7
Horde individuals 3
Kump (Gorâkamp Axefang)
(Herbert) Rotsail
Guild Name: Assemblage of Uld
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 5-8
Other Information: yeah, weâre cool.
Any chance I can come along just to experience an RP event for the first time? No guild and very little experience!
Individual name: Thaes Moongleam
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Number: Just little olâ me.
Brief Description: Former high-ranking Spellbreaker now struggling to find his place within the Alliance and very uncomfortable due to his peopleâs history with them.
Of course, you are more than welcome to participate regardless of your (in)experience with roleplaying. Everyone is!
Helping out a fellow roleplayer by signing up on her behalf!
Individual name: Lilandra Valeroux
Faction: Horde:
Estimated Number: Just one
Brief Description: A nightborne archer armed with magically conjured arrows with an array of enchantments.
gnomes op, pls nerf
Obilot is not coming, I am using Ellesencia instead.
This was a very cool campaign and Iâd like to thank Orentil and the rest of the cast for organizing it. It is unfortunate that it was cut short, but Iâd like to commend him for trying to seal a plot point which Blizzard seem to have forgotten about.
If you attended it, then youâre pretty cool and I believe that campaigns like this are what brings the community together.
Oh and yeah. Happy birthday, Joshey.
Lawson-hunting squad begins bursting, cue Thanos vs. Avengers scene