Not gonna lie, always wished that Isiden Perenolde would show up in lore, and his fate be revealed.
In Warcraft 3, a random Death Knight hero name was “Baron Perenolde”. Possible if was him…
…can it be him? Blizzard please… Clarify this. And help us with this epic Campaign…
If there’s still space…
Name: Raes
Faction: Alliance
Brief description: Gnomish rogue, keen to help her human allies.
If there is still space x2
Name: Beans
Faction: Alliance
Brief Description: Just a gnome with a hammer.
Name: Drago
Faction: Alliance
Brief Description: A worgen berserker of the Bloodfang Pack
And attendance has been updated once more! The Alliance now roughly outnumbers the Horde, but the reds can rest assured that the organised RP-PvP battles will be fair play.
As of right now, the Horde will arrive first. They were alerted by a Forsaken scout and thus have had time to prepare, while the Alliance remains oblivious that the Horde are even aware of their possible motives.
Guilds and individuals are free to choose their own direction that they would like to take in this campaign, as long as it somewhat aligns with the story behind it.
For example: no matter the lore speculation surrounding Gilneas at the moment, I would prefer not to see any Alliance groups having already entrenched themselves in Gilneas before the Horde even shows up. The blue side should be unprepared for Horde presence, while the Horde anticipates them.
The current starting point for Horde: Keel Harbor.
The Alliance will slowly be making their way to Gilneas, arriving from the north.
I wouldn’t worry too much about pure numbers. The recent campaigns have shown that Alliance signs up are unreliable and only 60-70% of the signed up actually show up. That turns paper Alliance superiority into ingame large Horde superiority. Besides, Horde has a lot dedicated healers while alliance struggles to get one or two. Not to mention, Horde is geared, most of the Alliance is not (and sometimes not even capped).
Just to be sure!
I signed up a few weeks back but cannot see my name among the individual lists?
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Apologies for that, seems that something went wrong there. I’ll relist the attendance properly later and put you in the right place, along with a few other cases.
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Signing up as an individual. This orc still needs some quality revenge for the time in the internment camps.
@Ortenil You won’t like this but all of Gilneas is phased for Horde players that have done the Silverpine Quests, Horde players who have touched the Silverpine Quests will – As far as I know – not be able to see Alliance and other Horde without the quests of course

Well, that’s what I get for not playing Horde! Shouldn’t be a problem though, I have a plan B involving other zones with and without Gilnean themes.
What I do hope is that moving the main location for the campaign won’t be a problem for those signed up. If so, let’s get in touch and solve it.
Also, a discord channel is up. I’m horrible with technology, apps, etc, so any tips on how to most efficiently organise a Discord channel are most appreciated.
Hey! The invite link expired
Would I be able to get an updated one? Or adding on discord! Belle#1745
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I can’t wait for another based adventure!
Name: Mastram
Faction: Alliance
Other Information: Stromic hedge mage on a field trip, basically
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A permanent link this time:
Chuck me in as an Alliance individual, if there’s space.
Name: (Tragic) Gauntleigh
Faction: Alliance
Other Information: be a laugh, won’t it
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