[A-H RP] [Dark Adventure - The Beethoven's 5th Piano Concerto of RP Guilds] ⚔ Fellowship of Blades!

“Mousing over this thread, are yer? Why not click?”

A Poster on The Wall

Ravenous shadow-spawn, light-borne oppressors, scheming demons, undead horrors, monstrous freaks of nature (and oozes, especially slimes). Don’t they make you feel sad?

The cosmos is filled with fiends and aberrations, our company’s purpose is simple! Our fellowship exists to hunt them, knock 'em down a few pegs, then kick 'em into the next reality, for the sake of coin, glory, and The Code that binds us together.

You don’t need a hero, what you need are professionals. Whatever threatens the balance that suits mortality, be it dangerous elementals, chaos-touched void crazies, or giant, hungry spiders, we’re here to help, for a reasonable price.

Need a monster killed, a villain captured, or a dangerous magical entity apprehended? Hire us, and we’ll kick their arses!

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We also happen to be hiring! Do you wish to devote yourself to a higher cause, and be your own boss?

If you’re interested in working for us, we can promise a steady wage, glorious battle, and the chance to test yourself against the worst scum of the universe.

We don’t judge on caste, race, or creed, only that you’re good in a fight and can keep your head straight. Good with books instead of a sword? We want you as well, as knowledge is its own weapon. Come, friendly scholars!

Want an opportunity to look big, tough, and really mean? Come send us a letter, also. We need muscle.

We fight not only to contain the threats of The Nether, but to provide refuge for those who’d fight on the side of balance.

Illidari hunters, warlocks, death knights and oddities, if they can prove themselves in control of their demons, may fight with us.

Contact Golic Goldengaze, or Zhilin Ironpaw, Codbarter Alley, Booty Bay.

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= Premise =

Deep beneath the world, horrors beyond imagining fester. Endless legions of Nerubians and shadow-spawn, an unending tide of darkness and chittering malevolence, are beginning to creep their way topside. Upon the surface, the Radiant Song invades the minds of the unwilling, an augur of coming doom.

While the people of the cities wander in an absent dream of peace and plenty, warlords and provincial lieges skirmish and prattle, deceiving themselves that they can stand alone.

Beneath the earth, dire infection of darkness festers and spreads, corrupting all it touches into ravenous insanity, oblivion and abomination, while in the heavens above, terrible forces eternal and unquenching, gather and awaken with fervent, blazing wrath. Against these threats, no force; be it Horde, Alliance, or any one order can hope to stand. What Azeroth needs isn’t another Free Company, what it needs is a Fellowship.

Golic Goldengaze, a Dwarf veteran of Elder Rethion’s crusade into the shadows below, and Zhi-Lin Ironpaw, a Pandaren warrior smith, have decided to gather those of all races and creeds to ready themselves for the coming storm.

Adventurers, scholars, fighters and monstrosities, there is no one who is turned aside, so long as they are willing to surrender, live and die by the Code of Blades, to stand in defence of The Balance and each other.

With only months to prepare, they ready themselves for war.

= Unique Features =

  • Stand Together, Fall Alone. Unlike other guilds, you won’t be lorded over. All the Blades are of equal standing yet bound together by The Code and its rituals. They live together, train together, convene to democratically decide on their next move. Service to The Code brings rewards; however and will help develop your character.

By joining The Fellowship, you’ll have an entire guild at your back, and if you’re part of it, you’ll help decide where it goes and what it shall ultimately become.

  • Stories That Really Matter. We’re interested in your character’s history, to have our quests and stories draw upon the backstories and distinct interests of our cast of characters. We’ll dungeon master experiences directly relevant to you.

As one history blends into another, a rich tapestry of conflict, love, and hatred will hopefully form, as others become invested in your backstory, and the Fellowship learns what or whom exactly they fight for.

If naught else, we’ll have monsters to kill and loot to plunder!

  • Warriors Within. Our intent is to delve into the shadows beneath Azeroth when the time comes, and work with other guilds and freelancers, so if you want to involve yourself in new content, we’re your chance. We also plan on running much of the new content In-Character, substituting named and lore-important characters for generic, but still-dangerous NPCs!

Experience a unique blend of gameplay and roleplay, only (as far as I know) in the Fellowship of Blades!

  • A Force for Good (and Chaos). We want to provide a distinct vibe from other adventurer guilds, one that hearkens back to the golden age of Argent Dawn, when roleplay was often open, unbubbled and spontaneous, while making the best use of the new features added since. Instead of overly relying on a top-down approach to management, we want to operate like a Sandbox Campaign of old, but all year round. We provide the context, you provide the fantasy!

Members are encouraged to contribute stories and events, while we seek to collaborate with other orders and individual characters, as both allies and adversaries!

We want this guild to stand not only by itself but act as a force for creativity and cooperation in the wider community. Recruits to the guild can be given basic DMing lessons, allowing them to contribute as well, not just to us, but to enrich Argent Dawn as well as they inevitably move on to new guilds and bring their skiills with them, like grass, scrub and cacti slowly spreading over the sands of Arakkis.

= The Code of Blades =

Kinship. If any member of the Fellowship needs aid, they may ask, and the rest shall rise. I may call upon any other in the Fellowship to aid me in any endeavour, but only so long as I’m willing to stand and return the favour if asked. If called upon, I will rise and fight, or share my knowledge and craft. My service to other Blades sharpens them.

Should I serve this oath, I will receive a new enchanted piece of armour, ammunition or weapon from The Crossguard.

Honour. I will not wilfully harm another of the Fellowship in body, spirit, or mind outside of duels. I will follow the commands of my more-experienced allies in battle, for a Blade turned against itself shall fail and shatter.

I will refrain from slaying the young, the elderly, the sick, and the innocent, for the Blade that breaks or dulls may yet be forged anew. I will not torture captives, I will always oppose those who torment the meek, and threaten the balance. I will seek worthy foes to sharpen myself against.

By my deeds, I will make the Blades’ name known.

Balance. All are equal under the Fellowship and the Code of Blades. Horde or Alliance, high-born and low-born, divine or profane, man or monster. All powers and forces must exist in equilibrium, for what is the worth of an unbalanced Blade? I will fight with an open hand, for that may wield every weapon, for Mortalkind through The Darkness and The Light.

Order and chaos, life and death, all shall be balanced upon the edge of The Blades!

= Stations Of The Fellowship =

The closest thing the Fellowship has to leadership, the Bladeguards maintain and judge as arbiters on matters relating to The Code of Blades, while also representing the Fellowship as emissaries and mentors.

Those who have truly given themselves over to The Code, the honourable Bladeguard are experienced and wise masters of battle, magic, and survival. They have faced aberrations that easily devour the souls of lesser men, and have gazed upon portents of the apocalypse without flinching.

For having survived, and indeed, having learned how to live, to rise above even in the face of torment and despair, they have become first among equals, wise tutors and guides for those of the Fellowship to follow into battle. Each one is an avatar of courage.

The Fellowship’s ‘Court Wizard’, the Oracle serves as a solemn keeper of arcane lore, knowledge, and a curator of magical artefacts. They guide the Fellowship’s scholarly types in finding new ways of battling extra-planar foes such as demons, those from the Void, and the seraphic horrors of The Light. To those of more magical than martial bent, their job is to reward service to The Code with pieces of lore and items of power. This seat may be challenged by presenting a radical arcane thesis, and having it universally approved by the remainder of the Fellowship’s sages.

The Honed are those Blades and Aegis that have shown exceptional loyalty to The Code and it’s precepts. Having proven themselves time and again, assisting each member of the Fellowship actively, they are rewarded with this special rank. While it lends no priveleges of command, it marks them as an honoured veteran.

Each Blade is an army in and of themselves. Bound only by the Code of Blades and by their loyalty and trust in each other. Red or blue, divine or profane, high born or lowborn, they come from every kingdom, every race, and every creed. In return for service to one another, they are rewarded with weapons and armour capable of slaying even mightier foes, and by the ties of deeper brotherhood and companionship. Cutters who become true Blades become sworn followers and judges of The Code, where dishonour is worse than death, and glory is everything.

True Guardians of the Fellowship, at first glance these people do not seem to be men, women or otherwise of war. They are healers, sages, scholars, and servants. Yet each in their own way fights a battle more ferocious than one of steel and blood. To face against death and ignorance, the two demons who can never be fully defeated, takes no small amount of gumption, for horrors lurk in the shadow of understanding.

Cutters are those who’ve joined or are thinking of joining The Fellowship; but haven’t yet oath-sworn themselves to the Code of Blades or proven themselves in true battle. These can also include those who wish to retain their independence; yet keep abreast of missions and expeditions.

= Inspirations =

Beyond the obvious Lord of the Rings inspiration, this guild’s intended to be something a bit like The Harpers from Forgotten Realms, FFXIV’s Scions of the Seventh Dawn, the Grey Wardens of Dragon Age, and the Assassins Guild from the John Wick movies.

Chaotic Good, with a Warhammery tone for our events. If you’re interested in dark, weird fantasy with a heap of fighting, we might be able to help.

= The Players We’re After =

Our intent is to delve into the shadows beneath Azeroth when the time comes, and work with other guilds, so if you want to involve yourself in new content In-Character, we’re your chance.

OOCly, we desire people who are imaginative, honest, open minded, tolerant and compassionate. If you can DM events, we -especially- want you. We want to foster a friendly, relaxed culture in the guild.

Toxicity is our enemy, and we will not tolerate harassment, stalking, bigotry or any discussion of politics, real world or otherwise. Elitism also isn’t tolerated. Guild members should publically behave appropriately and tolerantly around others, and treat them as they’d wish to be treated themselves. If you’ve read these forums for long enough; you know exactly what I mean. Don’t get yourself kicked.

We don’t want to be yet another Social Media bubble, we want to properly integrate with and interact with the community, and the -World- of Warcraft, letting your characters and our guild speak for themselves, whilst respecting your game/life balance by allowing you to switch off.

We want to encourage our members to log in and interact, so the more you give to the Fellowship, the more you’ll get back. A flat hierarchy means exactly that! To rephrase, more you give, in storylines or interactions, the more you and your guildmates’ll benefit. No spoonfeeding here!

This forum thread may also be used for messages outside the game, so as to avoid clogging it with meaningless bump posts, while also demonstrating our hopefully splendid activity.
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We’re intended to be something a bit like The Harpers from Forgotten Realms, Chaotic Good, with a Warhammery, Stephen King type tone for our events. If you’re interested in dark, weird fantasy with a heap of fighting, travelling, and diverse characters, we might be able to help.

We’re also after villains to hunt. If you’d be willing to offer your guild or character as a foe for us to battle, please contact me via in-game mail.

Note: Since this was last posted, guild leadership has been transferred to the Bladeguards Aeriadne, Zhilin and Aucheknight. Please contact them with any queries.

Oi! You! Join our roleplay guild!


The guild is still new, and getting itself established.

Alongside interesting characters, we’re looking for experienced or aspiring dungeon-masters in particular.

If you want to really help this thing get off the ground, why not throw me a letter in game, or apply right here in this thread?

To the two strangers who liked this thread, you have my thanks and gratitude.

Our current members include -

The Blastmaster
The Occultist
The Felcaster
The Smith
The Demon
The Evoker
The Emerald
The Addle-Coved
The Archer
The Warsong
The Voidmancer
The Retribution
The Sawbones
The Warlock
The Priestess
The Slayer.

Join us, and you’ll get to meet these characters and find out who they are, and be counted among them, complete with your own badass title.


Golic is a pal of mine and I’ve loved rping with him in the past! Definitely worth joining up if you’re looking for some good mercenary RP!

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Heh, sounds like a lovely concept! Hope to encounter you lot in the wild!

See yee soon!


I’d like to warmly welcome to the Fellowship:

The Inquisitor
The Westfallen
and The Jukebox

May Thy Blades strike true!


This sounds amazing!
Kudos to the mind behind it, I really hope to see this flourish. I’d join in a heartbeat if I didn’t have my hands full GMing my own guild, but feel free to get in touch about potential collaborations. I’m always up for supporting other guilds :smiley:


I may or may not have found a perfect place for my new undead ranger. A little bit of mischief, a little bit of monster killing, a little bit of DMing for the gang. I just need to brainstorm a cool title :thinking:


I like this, well done.

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Thank you everyone for your kind praise!

To Durakas, please contact me or Zhilin in game, and we can discuss how we may work alongside each other, or against each other if called for. The Fellowship has yet to embark on it’s first true quest, so there’s still plenty of time to plan things.

There are fifteen weeks till The War Within.

To Craven, please speak with Zhilin if you’re interested in joining. They’re our Horde side liasion, and should be able to bring you into the fold.

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I spoke to Zhilin who said they are away most of the night, but that I could try and find you all, either at Booty Bay or Dalaran tonight to potentially set up some recruitment.

Absolutely! We’re based ICly out of Booty Bay at the moment, but some of our number are hoping to attend the Dalaran market tonight.

Either way, you’re welcome to approach us and strike up an interaction.

After a short but sweet interaction with Goldengaze and reading the thread, I can say without a doubt that his stuff feels immersive and that’s the biggest praise I can imagine giving to a roleplayer these days. The guy clearly has thought about this concept for a while and I sincerely hope he cooks a delicious dish for AD to enjoy.

I’m still not 100% sure if any of my current characters are a good fit for the concept, but I wish you the best of luck. We need more guilds like this and most of all, people who aren’t afraid to step away from the status quo and do things “different” if its meant to lead to better and more enjoyable roleplay and guild experience.


Thanks and gratitude for the praise and well wishes!

If you’re going to join us, I highly recommend thinking of some elements of your character’s backstory. I intend on interviewing our members (whenever we can find the time) to see what we can mine for future storylines.

Was your character raised by slavers? Let’s go after them, and see what other schemes they’ve involved themselves in. Does your character have a special tie with The Light, one of the Loa or Ancients? Let’s see what we can do with that. What happened to your character’s missing father, and what really happened that night in the Second War?

I’d like to welcome our newest, spookiest member:

The Wretch

As they’ve decided to title themselves.

The Fellowship grows! Will you be among their number?

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Around which timeframe could one find your lot?

From my own observations, we tend to be at our most active around the early evening, between 18.00-23.00 realm time. Where exactly we are is a trickier question to answer, as our members can be quite dispersed, normally found in Duskwood and Stormwind City, but we’re intending on using Booty Bay as a home base from which to interact with other cross-faction guilds and head out on our travels.

An ideal time and place to meet us would be this Sunday at 21.00 realm time, where we’ll be hosting our first Blademoot, where new Blades will swear themselves to the Code, and their first steps as an order will be debated. This will happen in Booty Bay.

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I’d like to welcome to the Fellowship of Blades our newest character. A fallen noble, mysterious and rugged, he will fight against the darkness below…in search of some kind of atonement.

Behold the warrior of two kingdoms…

The Apostate

Has joined The Fellowship! May his Blade strike true!


Thanks so much, I’m looking forward for more RP with you guys!


I’d love to get in touch with you guys on the Alliance side. Should I just try to shoot you a message in-game when you’re around?

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