[A-H RP] [Dark Adventure - The Beethoven's 5th Piano Concerto of RP Guilds] ⚔ Fellowship of Blades!

The unofficial Discord is the result of our first Blademoot! Where the Fellowship democratically decided on it’s first steps. Multiple members expressed wish for a Discord to keep in touch outside of the game, and thanks to our flat hierarchy, they were encouraged to make one for themselves. Vox populi, vox dei!

It should be noted the Discord is completely optional and unofficial, you won’t have to use it to either make events or interact with or join the guild.

Most of our roleplaying and events are intended to happen inside the game, and these in-game means of communication (the calendar in particular) are encouraged first and foremost. Now, however, we have extra means of making sure even if you can’t play the game, you can still keep in touch.

If you want to join our growing community of interesting characters, you can approach any of our members In-Character or Out-Of-Character and ask about the guild. If you think you might be welcome here, why not find out for yourself?


After last night’s Blademoot, we now have two new members…

Draped in a pale shroud, walking an uneasy line between Light and Darkness, comes a scarred and serene Exile whose very voice is the whisper of graves and decay. They have delved deep into the cold, endless mysteries of The Beyond, bearing upon them the scars of incalculable loss. Hated, feared, and misunderstood, in the name of The Balance, they skillfully wielding the forbidden magicks of blood, souls, death and life, opening doors that others would keep well closed. They are the end, they are the beginning. Don’t fear the reaper…

The Auchenai

Vessel for a malefic, diabolical spirit, the other half of his body belongs to a demon. Physically dominant and ferocious, their towering, blackened horns and scars, oh, so many scars calloused upon scars, radiate with a searing aura of brimstone and hate-fire. The hellish flame of chaos and disorder; The Fel dances about them like a familiar spirit, draining all Life and Magic to feed it’s infinite thirst, its heat blazing enough to carve through souls. It’d be scary enough, if he didn’t too wield this fire in the form of twin blades! Burn! Let his enemies burn!

Don’t irk…
The Fel-Flame Weaver

A House Divided cannot stand. This is equally true if said house is a castle, this is doubly so if it’s been blown to smithereens by The Fellowship’s newest recruit! Gaze upon a master of siegecraft in action! Armed with tools of gunpowder, seaforium, and rockets! T.N.T, Dyno-mite, gasoline, steam power, diesel power, and guns, lots of guns, she rides shiny and chrome like a Valkyr, through the pillars of fire and smoke. Her antiquated foes have no time to consider their doom, beneath the locust-like chittering of their Gyrocopter. Faint whistling and a bright flash are often the last thing they feel, as they’re chunked to crimson mist in a deafening orchestra of light and sound. Kablooie! Wokka wokka!

The Siege Engineer

*They have yet to join officially, but that hopefully shan’t be a long interval.

This concept sounds INCREDIBLE i absolutely love it, I’ve sent you an in game mail from the character i’d like to join on, since for some reason the character can’t be selected on the Argent Dawn forums!
I’m extremely excited now i’ve read this thread, sounds like a fantastic bunch and incredible concept

Dear Zhaohuang,

Thank you very much for expressing interest! I’ll be certain to contact you in game at soonest convenience.

Kind regards,

Love the concept - sounds very much like the sort of thing I’d be keen to involved in, if you’re on the lookout for a druid.

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This sounds like a fantastic guild and I’d love to get in contact :smile:

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Thank you! We are indeed willing to accomodate any character that fits the concept brief, Druids included!

Please get in contact in-game, myself and any one of us’d be glad to help you.

Also, a thank you to Katzz, who is now our latest member.

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Love this concept a lot! I had a lot of fun rping with the Iron Hound when I was playing as Stella earlier. Hope to see you guys around more! Love the naming system and introductions, this is super cool to see!


I’m interested!

As far as my character is concerned, I believe he fits the concept rather well. He grew up in Drustvar and lost his family to the Heartsbane Coven so he has a lot of distaste for anything that involves dangerous powers.

He’s currently wandering as a mercenary armed with a bow and quiver. He’s capable of reading and writing as well as being somewhat decent at acquiring pelts and meat from beasts.

I’m admittedly a little rusty when it comes to role-play as I’ve been away from the game for quite some time, though I’ve mostly caught up on most of what I have missed over the years.

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You’d be very welcome to join us! We go with a Warhammer-style philosophy of…a normal guy with a bow or a halberd can be as badass as a towering demon lord in enchanted armour, if pressed. You’d be very welcome among us, and I’ll be sure to get in contact when I can!

Now, introducing:

Once caged deep beneath the earth, bound in chains and tormented. No amount of balefire or hate in the hearts of her Dark Iron captives could break her spirit, but it certainly made her, if not stronger, then stranger. Her mind is a fractured glass, a prism that shines with the many colour of The Fel, and the penumbral energies of Darkness and despair. Their passion burns with only half the ferocity of her own sinister magic. She is vengeance, she is death.

The Prisoner

Poverty is a demon more brutal and more insidious than any the Burning Legion had to field. Hunger and starvation, the lack of coin, can drive anyone over the edge. When the world takes everything from you, all that is left in the heart of the deprived, is faith, and a thirst for retribution. From the bitter dustbowl, the land of crimson bandanas, calling upon the very Light that animates the universe, incandescently clad in Light-gilt gold, and wielding sword and board in relentless persistence, comes forth…

The Opulent

Do not pity the servant, for there is a pride in a job well done. They keep secrets that can destroy even the mightiest. Enshrouded in resplendent regalia, every detail of their appearance carefully, strategically chosen, comes forth an exotic servant of Pandaria, filled with as much cunning as grace. A dextrous and elegant danseuse, skilled with ribbon and fan, their mesmerising displays can lull even the most banal into surrendering their higher faculties. They hear all, they see all, they say little, and in so doing, and by knowing, they master the world. She is the Lady of the Dance, she is…

The Fan-Dancer


Weathered by the road, clad in dulled plate-mail, this dashing Elf is no knight in shining armour, yet he is a noble blade errant nonetheless. The Silver Covenant could not bind him, for he hungers and thirsts for righteousness beyond the dictates of the graven and corrupt. Hear the sound of the battle horn! Taking up his enchanted broadsword, and throwing his cloak over one shoulder, rides forth…

The Renegade

In every culture, in every society, there are witches. Women who sacrifice their very souls and minds to weave the cthonic powers of blood, life and death. This man is not one of them. As he wanders amidst frozen thickets, where fetishes of rock, bone, hair, twigs and flesh hang like carrion from the trees, he remembers…

The forest hags took away his family, they hungrily feasted on his innocence and siblings, and they cackled, oh, they cackled, as they tore off their skin with their iron nails. Now with nothing left except a bow, his wits, and his deeply nurtured frenzy for vengeance upon the wicked, emerges from the frigid blackwoods of Drustvar…

The Witch Hunter


A religious community, in a beautiful place out in the country. That’s what the Stranglethorn village of Goodberry was before The Fellowship slaughtered the lot. Made of Light-addled crazies, they were guarding a dark presence, a ‘Black Sun’ that the Light of Autumn sensed deep below. Does this prison still hold? We can only hope…

An event, tomorrow at 20.30 realm time, starting at Booty Bay! If you’re after an opportunity to taste our Roleplaying, here’s a real blockbuster.

Do you like your RP-Guilds Kentucky Fried, chunky and really juicy? Just look at the rich, flowing gravy of roleplaying experiences we have. Smell that rich, spicy lard, and come help our guild get fatty.

You’re reading an advertising thread in your spare time! If you’ve come this far, why not give into temptation and join us?

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After conversing with my other guild members, we’ve decided to make a change.

We’ve decided on adding a deadline for new applicants to the guild. You’ll have to go through either myself or Zhilin to join the guild.

If you’re thinking of joining us, please make your interest clear by:

Friday - 21/06/2024

Which is the deadline for new applicants. Those who have applied or expressed interest before this day are still welcome, but we’ll be accepting no new recruits after this date.

If you still want to join, don’t linger. Get in contact as soon as you can!

The ability to join the guild will fade, and soon!

Why delay? Make your intention to join the guild known via in-game mail or a post in this forum thread, and you can save yourself a place.

Come, come and be counted among us!

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You have only:
16 hours, 4 minutes. To join us! Recruitment closes at dawn on Friday.

A brief reprieve, but will it be enough?

If you’ve even a passing interest in this guild, let us know, and we’ll get in touch!

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'Twixt Light and Dark walks an avenging angel of dusk and dawn. To those who call upon the Forgotten Shadow, they are misguided, to zealous apostles of the Sacred Flame, they are a heretic. Their sanity ails, waxing and waning between lucidity and chittering madness, yet through the valley of the Shadow and Light, they fear no evil, for they embody The Balance. Only through the grey path, that allows mortalkind to live free from the chains of Fate, can they be saved. Healing through Light, harming through Darkness, they wield the very penumbra, their rod and staff may burn, or comfort.

Rejoice, it’s…
The Duskweaver

Towering above his rivals, his scales icy white and umbral black with echoing powers beyond description,chaotically infected with a scintilating maelstrom, the embrace of time, space, and eternity pulses through him like the Blood of Time itself. A Bronze crystal pierces his chest, but neither it, nor any principality or power within imagination itself can chain the infinite essence that taints his very life-force. So walks a Dracthyr unlike any other. Hated by Dragon and Dracthyr alike, he is a walking anathema, yet he seeks redemption yet, and purpose still.

He is endless! He is…
The Infinite

The night forests are still, the wind howls through the pines, the stars are distant and cold. A hulking, moving shadow rushes through the thicket, bounding from the gloom to sink her massive fangs into the throats of the wicked and the damned. Prowling, stalking, the trees and the earth and the powers of the sky obey her primal call, even as she savagely fights, fang and claw, against the countless defilers of nature’s glory. They rise with a proud roar, bound now to the Fellowship and it’s crusade in the name of The Balance! Grorr!

Hear Nature’s call! It’s…
The Wild Huntress

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As one war ended, her war began. Bound by Light, driven by guilt, and dressed in a wide-brimmed hat more brilliant than the holy powers that flow through her, comes a dashing and flamboyant dame! A zealot no longer, yet forever an Exile, cursed with the knowledge and burdens of centuries, she bears the weight of her enchanted zweihander with uncanny finesse! A writer of poems, a dilettante, as much a lover as a fighter, she embraces the sorrow and beauty of the sword (and indeed, the world) even as her foes stumble before her swift and guileful motions, a hoof to the head, a tail whip to the shins, and a blade to bisect the torso of whoever is foolish enough to fear (if they dare)…

The Justicebound

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There’s only ten and a half hours left to join our guild!

Don’t delay, make your interest plain, before it’s too late!

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It’s nearly midnight.

It’s always darkest before the dawn. When the dawn comes, so too shall recruitment close, for a time. Six and a half hours remain.

In about ten days, this guild has gone from five people to 52 members spread across 49 individual accounts at last estimate.

I’d like to personally thank everyone who has expressed interest in this guild, contributed to it, or otherwise offered well-wishes and assistance.

You are all fantastic, and I’m grateful for everything you’ve offered.

May The Blades strike true!