The unofficial Discord is the result of our first Blademoot! Where the Fellowship democratically decided on it’s first steps. Multiple members expressed wish for a Discord to keep in touch outside of the game, and thanks to our flat hierarchy, they were encouraged to make one for themselves. Vox populi, vox dei!
It should be noted the Discord is completely optional and unofficial, you won’t have to use it to either make events or interact with or join the guild.
Most of our roleplaying and events are intended to happen inside the game, and these in-game means of communication (the calendar in particular) are encouraged first and foremost. Now, however, we have extra means of making sure even if you can’t play the game, you can still keep in touch.
If you want to join our growing community of interesting characters, you can approach any of our members In-Character or Out-Of-Character and ask about the guild. If you think you might be welcome here, why not find out for yourself?