The Rumblemaw Nomads is a neutral tribe dedicated to preserving Azeroth and caring for all of its inhabitants. They strive to work with direct action to combat the threats that Azeroth faces, both within and without. We value those who hold honor close to heart and are willing to put the idea of factions aside for the betterment of our world.The goal of the tribe is to bring together the inhabitants of Azeroth from all different races and walks of life to fight for the future of Azeroth. In terms of races, the Rumblemaws are open to all races and, with background checks required in some cases, all classes; we are also open to both factions for recruitment! We want to provide a character-focused and driven atmosphere that allows both character and roleplayer alike to grow and develop in a guild that provides an opportunity to interact with both neutral Horde and Alliance characters.
We offer both casual roleplay and story-driven events, as well as one-on-one character-focused scenarios. Our events tend to revolve around the protection of villages, diplomatic meetings or dealing with threats, whilst our casual roleplay focuses on more social interaction and world-exploring.
Background of the Tribe
Originally from Highmountain, the Rumblemaws was one of the smaller tribes that removed themselves from the larger society of the tribes, to be tucked away within deep burrows and caverns of the mountains. Their tribe was primarily focused on studying Druidism in peace. Adhering to traditional customs, which included the worship of the Wild God, the Twin Bears Ursoc and Ursol, the Rumblemaws became isolated and separated from the rest of their kin. Some members of the tribe would have been born and died within the burrows, having never even set a foot astray from their mountain. Lead by a long bloodline of Chieftains, the tribe became forgotten and ignored within the secluded mountain-hold. Until, the Legion’s invasion began.
The initial attack on Highmountain came crashing through, hitting the Rumblemaws’ mountain territory directly and shattering their defenses. Quick to retaliate, the Rumblemaws, led by their then-Chieftain Rakani Rumblemaw, launched a counter defense which ultimately failed and the Rumblemaws were forced to be driven from their home, and without their Chieftain; the final act of who was to hold off the invasion force long enough to ensure his people could escape. Now, having been thrust harshly into the reality of being Chieftain and without his father’s guiding hand, Rahtokah Rumblemaw has had to lead what dwindling numbers of an already small tribe remain to whatever safety he could find, and rejoin the rest of his kin to ensure their survival.
In recent times, with the Highmountain Tauren joining the Horde, a faction war and a dying Azeroth, Rahtokah has taken it upon himself to strip away the isolating and xenophobic nature of his tribe, opening it to all people of Azeroth who seek a home, and wish to join him in his fight to protect Azeroth. Together, he hopes they can mend and heal the wounds of this world rather than conquer and take them through blood and war.
Who We Are
The Rumblemaw Tribe is a neutral guild that accepts both Horde and Alliance people who are able to put aside their factions and work together, as one tribe, to serve and protect Azeroth. We may be fighters, healers or even artisans, who simply want to put their skills towards a purpose that exists beyond them and their faction. There is always a home within our tribe for those who wish to take a stand for Azeroth, for her people and for this land, whether it be with sword, shield, bow, healing magic or a sewing needle. All that we ask is that a potential Nomad respects the values and ideals of our tribe: Courage. Strength. Bravery. Chivalry. The desire to help others, and the will to protect them at all costs. Above all else, honor. A Rumblemaw never forsakes their honor.Our Ranks and Roles
The Chieftain represents and leads our tribe, and will always have the final say in decision-making. Our current Chieftain is Rahtokah Rumblemaw.
Council Member
Council Members make up the circle of advisors that surround the Chieftain and aid the Chieftain in the running of the tribe. They take leadership roles in the Chieftain’s absence, can assign duties and tasks, and even lead expeditions and diplomatic missions. Members of the Council are selected and hand-picked by the Chieftain from the pool of nominations provided by existing Council members.
War Braves
This is the role for those who are choosing to dedicate their talents in fighting the enemies of Azeroth and protecting her from harm. These are our warriors and defenders who ensure our safety and those who we fight for, be it with sword and shield, or magic and arrows.
For those who seek a more healing path, the worldmender is the nomad who has turned their skills towards healing Azeroth and her inhabitants. They may be druids, paladins, shamans, monks or priests, but have chosen to use their gifts to restore and nurture the world around them and because of this, are crucial to the efforts of the Rumblemaws.
For those who are skilled in crafting, the Artisan is for those who wish to lend skills and talents towards crafting a better world for us all. Can you make sustainable shelters for those who have nothing left? Can you cook enough food to feed an entire village who have been driven from their homes with nothing? Can you clothe the sick and provide weapons to protect? An Artisan may be the role for you!
This is the role for those who are light on their feet and prefer to sneak and stalk the shadows for those who wish to harm Azeroth. The Plainstrider are the ones who travel ahead on the road and are our eyes and ears all over Azeroth. They are our scouts who report back information and intel to the Chieftain and the Council that helps inform decisions and actions made by the tribe.
When someone becomes a full-fledged member of the tribe, they earn the title of Nomad. They have proven themselves to the tribe and have shown they value the ideals of being a Rumblemaw. To progress further into the higher ranks, a Nomad must undergo a spiritual journey which is the one-on-one character-focused scenario we offer.
This is the starting rank for our newcomers into the tribe. In order to become a Nomad, you must prove that you are able to protect and defend Azeroth and are able to put aside factions. It is the opportunity to learn and understand the ways of a Rumblemaw and it’s people.
What We Do
We offer both casual roleplay and events. When it comes to our casual roleplay, we try to focus it on social interaction and world-exploring. In our events, its driven by characters and characters can make massive impacts on how events develop. Are we going to engage in an aggressive manner or a peaceful approach? Is our priority going to be dealing with the threat or rescuing civilians first? From safeguarding villages and soothing troubled and enraged spirits to making diplomatic meetings between other groups and guilds to seeking intel on developments in other lands, our events try to cater something for each of the four branches within our tribe so that there is something available for everyone.
We want to unite both Horde and Alliance characters and strive towards a goal of a lasting peace, both for Azeroth and between two warring factions. We want to be a living example of how we, as people who call Azeroth home, can live and work together as brothers and sisters: as a family. Now, more than ever, the illusion that we are divided by our factions threatens Azeroth, but the Rumblemaw tribe seeks to prove that more connects us all than separates us. In times of crisis, the foolish build barriers, but the wise build bridges. The Rumblemaw tribe seeks to find, protect and fight for a world where those who call Azeroth home are taken care of as if we are all part of one single tribe.
How do I join this guild?
Feel free to whisper Rahtokah (Horde) or Carnahan (Alliance) for information, or by in-game mail. If contacting from the Alliance, I advise sending in-game mails as I may miss whispers on Carnahan. If not that, feel free to seek us out in Moonglade which we call home, and from where we operate.
What kind of people do we accept?
We accept all races, both Horde and Alliance, and for the most part, all races. Background checks may be required for some characters, particularly warlocks, death knights and demon hunters. Other than that, we are open to all races and all we ask is that you respect the ideals of our tribe and try to keep those always in mind when acting as part of our tribe.
What sort of things do I need to roleplay in this guild?
Cross RP (the addon) and Elixir of Tongues are essential in order to communicate between our Horde and Alliance members. Other than that, patience - as the addon can be buggy at times - and the ability to look beyond someone’s faction origins.
What kind of events does this guild run?
We offer small and big events across Azeroth that include rescuing refugees, rebuilding villages or fighting enemies that seek to do our world harm. We also are happy to coordinate events between guilds and work alongside other neutral guilds, and at times, Horde and Alliance guilds with missions that align with our cause. We also offer spiritual journeys, which are one-on-one roleplay sessions that provide an excellent opportunity for character development and soul-searching. We also encourage our members in hosting and organizing their own events, no matter being a veteran or a beginner!
Where do the Rumblemaws stand with the Saurfang Rebellion?
When the time comes, the Rumblemaws will fight for the Horde as it is an internal Horde conflict. However, we refuse to fight for the Alliance on behalf of the Horde, and vice-versa. We choose to join the Rebellion against Sylvanas Windrunner as she is a threat to Azeroth and we believe a new Warchief will allow for our goal of a lasting peace to become a reality.
Where can this guild be located?
For our casual roleplay, when it is within our tribe setting, we can often be found within Moonglade. However, we do not limit our members to stay there and encourage them to journey to Stormwind and Orgrimmar in order to interact with other Azeroth inhabitants and even recruit new people to our cause. For our events, we may travel beyond these areas and to even different continents.