[A/H]The second meeting of the Cenarion Circle (Cross-Faction rp-event)

Greetings great druids of the Forests and Plains of Kalimdor.

The Cenarion Circle has once again called for another council. Druids from both the Horde and the Alliance are welcome to attend. The meeting place is yet to be chosen but the information will be past along to any druid wishing to join. The meeting will happen on the 13th of November at 21:00.

OOC: The topics to be discussed are already set. But if you want to discuss anything more you are welcome to do so. Spontaneous rp is often the best one.

/w Velarys on Alliance or /w MayItBe on Horde for invites to our Bnet group that we use for cross faction communication.


…So my access to Nightaven has not been revoked, right, esteemed Druids? Right?
I beg of you! I did pass the trial of the passage through the Timbermaw Hold!
Last time was not my fault! And where can I get another Moonstone Amulet?!?

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