In Character: The War Has BegunThe two factions Alliance and Horde have never been in good terms when it comes to dealing between each other. Today their situation has deteriorated so far, that they have decided to seek final settlement on the conflict. What will be the outcome of this escalation is yet to be seen, but what it will bring is for certain, corpses of both factions’ people. The war has begun, are you the deciding player in it, will there be victory for either faction, that is yet to be decided.
OOC: Technical informationDefias Brotherhood et al. players using, cross-realm Normal realm and realm “Argent Dawn” shards on War Mode. Mainly due to there are more opponents cross-realm. Also DB shard could be used.Target locations can be announced beforehand, although not necessarily, if there are already a hub of players on the opponent side.On Horde cross-realm takes place, when on Normal realm shard, on realm “Outland” and on Alliance on realm “Ragnaros”. These realms have been chosen due to high player base and majority of the players on the realms are opposite faction to what is planned to be the faction on these campaigns, with still good amount of players on the minority faction and both were earlier PvP servers, for possibly more interested in this kind of rp pvp.Events will be done in character by the ones taking part on the campaigns. An event can be among other, advancing by taking over settlements from opposing faction, if the rp pvp ends in such a result.If no opponents emerge to defend for the opposing faction, which possibly happens at times, the ic situation is, there were not much defenders available for the opposing faction and so the objective was taken by surprise or lack of forces on the opposing faction.There won’t be much roll based battles planned for the campaign, but we will use what opponents can be gained from the other realms mostly, using cross-realm invite to other realm for “War mode on” players in the to be fought for objectives.From the off-realm opponent, there are no restrictions required, since they may not be roleplayers always. Be patient with non roleplayers, since they are needed for the rp pvp, although it may be more world pvp at times, yet, we will try to be in character as much as possible, even if there are more ooc opponents available.The events will be done in case by case manner, without pre-set ooc plan in small scale. There will be so better possibilities for turn of events, to so increase the reality of unpredictable surroundings.Only things decided beforehand are: Event start time and location and the desired in character outcome for the event, which all can change as the roleplay advances later with possible rp pvp. There will be in character planning sessions for each move on the campaign.This campaign will connect to other ongoing campaigns when possible, for example the “To Lordaeron” -campaign, that has been ongoing for quite some time on DB et al.
This will be long lasting campaign, based on using what opponents can be found cross-realm on War mode in Normal realm and "Argent Dawn" shards. Also DB shard could be used.
The start is once the prepatch has been released. End time is not set, since this will evolve along with time.
This will take place on both factions, with separate campaigns, which can collide also at times, but they are mainly to be separate.
This will include rp pvp with world pvp a bit more than in the usually preplanned with opposing side rp pvp.
This will connect to other campaigns so, that shared events can de done for example at times.
Alliance Campaign
Campaign goals:
Take from the Horde: Arathi Highlands, Hillsbrad Foothills, Silverpine Forest and Tirisfal Glades for the Alliance, and drive out Forsaken from these areas of Lordaeron completely.Support any Alliance resistance at Northern Kalimdor from being overrun by the Horde.An Alliance army group will be formed for operations to do missions against the Horde where ever is decided to strike the Horde.
Contacts:For the Alliance campaign:
Reyxor <The Ninth Company> – Defias Brotherhood
Battletag: Reykleuglor#2403
Horde Campaign
Campaign goals:
Take Northern Kalimdor areas from the Alliance for the Horde.Prevent Alliance from succeeding in taking Horde owned areas at Lordaeron.A Horde army group will be formed for operations to do missions against the Alliance where ever is decided to strike the Alliance.
Contacts:For the Horde campaign:
Lucag <The Snake Warband> – Defias Brotherhood
Battletag: Reykleuglor#2403
Those interested in rp pvp in some form, there is a Community I'm starting up for Alliance.
Community name: Alliance army group for campaigns Rp PvP
Link: ID: e9Zjb7UNA4
(ps. Don't get surprised for it not being very active, it's for planning, creating events and contacting players, not meant to be a socializing Community, there are those already.
There happens rp pvp at times so, it might be considerable amount of time in between events, due to it requires a lot of planning and setting up an event, with the limited time anyone might have.
Lots of things happen behind the scenes, but I hope to gain better communication chances with the Community and to plan better together and coordinate things.)
Those interested in rp pvp in some form, there is a Community I'm starting up for Horde.
Community name: Horde army group for campaigns Rp PvP
(ps. Don't get surprised for it not being very active, it's for planning, creating events and contacting players, not meant to be a socializing Community, there are those already.
There happens rp pvp at times so, it might be considerable amount of time in between events, due to it requires a lot of planning and setting up an event, with the limited time anyone might have.
Lots of things happen behind the scenes, but I hope to gain better communication chances with the Community and to plan better together and coordinate things.)
We will throw our fantastic looking banner behind this great initiative!
Pain..only pain...
Good Initiative!! RP on Defias, Hail Reyxor!
Tomorrow on Saturday 1.9.2018, 20:00 (server time) is the first event connected to this campaign directly. The event will be done warmode on, on realm Defias Brotherhood et al.
Plan of action for both factions individually
Alliance (rp-pvp:ers)
-Consisting mainly of Stormwind forces stationed at southern Lordaeron.
-Will gather at Stromgarde, Arathi Higlands around start time.
-Alliance will start moving in character towards west along the road, by walking speed.
- Alliance will attack all Horde towers, Ruins of Southshore, Sludge Fields and eventually Southpoint Gate, while moving along the southern road at Hillsbrad Foothills from east towards west.
- Alliance attemps with this move to gain passage to Silverpine Forest from Hillsbrad Foothills, and to gain better control of the road and whole Hillsbrad Foothills.
Horde (rppvp:ers and/or world pvp:ers, npc:s)
-Aim is to stop the Alliance.
General info on the rules the rp-pvp:ers follow mostly:
-No flying mounts, unless they are used in character, like for scouts.
-No ress-killing, so ressing opponents will gain chance to regain health and take battle positions.
-Battleressing is usually not allowed, but it will be allowed in this event, unless the opponent side wants otherwise for both sides.
-Balancing forces, for even groups, will be considered, if the opponent side wishes to do so.
Alliance will ic take the road from east towards west at Hillsbrad Foothills, starting from Stromgarde, Arathi Highlands. If you want to join on Alliance side, be around the start time or later, ask for invite via /w from me or others.
Horde can join whenever they see fit, but hoping it won't be a total attempt to grief, so hoping ooc behavior will be in its minimum, so we can go on with the event so that both sides enjoy the pvp and some like to also enjoy the rp, so lets respect those principles.
Hoping to see anyone there. All levels welcome. But for pvp, there may be some boundaries, not yet fully known to me, but I had an alt at lvl 98 and it was able to survive in pvp with some lvl 110 and so on, come with your own risk, but it's ok for any lvl to join.
About tomorrow's event:
For Horde, if you have no group and want to join a group where hopefully will be some others, you can /w Lucag-DefiasBrotherhood for group invite, so there is a group for those with no group. I won't be in this event in action, but online for this group forming purpose for those with no group only.
*A poster on the military announcement notice boards at the Kingdom of Stormwind*Conscription of soldiers for a campaign have been started by the Ministry of Defense of the Stormwind Council. Stormwind is making a move towards new frontiers in the ongoing war. Ministry of Defense has been asked to start conscription for a campaign at Kalimdor. We need all able bodied men and women to join the army of Stormwind.
Join already today, and receive the respect of your fellow citizens and allies in the ongoing war.
How to join?
- Visit Command center and write your name on a contract given by the employees.
-You will be later called for some training and once we have all prepared, you will be asked to take part on the departure towards new frontiers across the seas.OOC:
Join the community for the campaign, or contact directly:
Reyxor <The Ninth Company> – Defias Brotherhood
Battletag: Reykleuglor#2403
Community name: Alliance army group for campaigns Rp PvP
Link: ID: e9Zjb7UNA4
ps. This will be ongoing campaign at Kalimdor once prepared. Mainly to man the Alliance forts on the eastern coast of Kalimdor, but of course ventures to deeper into Kalimdor and such missions are possible imo. Also I think a conscription event could be nice, but first I'd like to gain some interested player contacts and make time for event later on, for all who want to join ic by signing the contract ic it will be possible.
Concerning the above post:
I will be available almost every day from 20:00-21:00 server time and from request on other times at Stormwind Command Center (the blue roof building next to SW stables and training ground), for recruiting in character for the campaign at Kalimdor.
If you don't see me there at that time, send a /w, so we can have a meet and talk about your possible involvement on the campaign in character, which is currently my main objective in game to get going. Also this could bring some nice rp anyway.
You'd be asked to join the campaign community, which I know lacks players, due to it's just for occasional announcements, but easier to keep track on who are interested to start this sort of initiative.
Campaign is taking new steps in the form of "Operation Ashes of Phoenix".
Link to thread: Operation Ashes of Phoenix is an Alliance rp/pvp military campaign, to reinforce the Alliance strongholds and to start a new front at Kalimdor, in the ongoing Blood War with the Horde.
On this Wednesday 10th of October, 20:30 (server time) is the first training and meet at Westbrook Garrison, Elwyn Forest, for a military training in preparation for the campaign at Kalimdor.
Practicing what one prefers: pvp duels, emote duels, wargames (depending on turnout), formations, patrols or casual rp.
If you want to join, it could help to join the ingame community (link below) to get invites to group and general info.
Link: ID: e9Zjb7UNA4
The campaign "Operation Ashes of Phoenix" has not yet started to move to Kalimdor, there is time. Join the community, if you'r on Alliance and interested on a Kalimdor campaign.
Link: ID: e9Zjb7UNA4
Link to main thread:
On this Saturday 24th of November, there is a meeting with Lordaeron people at Menethil Keep, rumour is there are people willing to join on the campaign at Kalimdor.
On Wednesday 28th of November an Alliance force is set to land on the Ruins of Theramore. There is rp and planing the future strategy to take place.
The campaign mainly works within the “Operation Ashes of Phoenix Community” community (link id in above post).