A Heartfelt Plea for Enhancement Shaman Balancing in Cataclysm

Dear Blizzard Developers,

I hope this message finds you well. I write to you today not just as a dedicated player, but as a passionate member of a community that feels deeply overlooked and underappreciated. We are the Enhancement Shamans, and we are struggling.

The current state of Enhancement Shamans in WoW: Cataclysm is disheartening, to say the least. Our damage output is woefully underwhelming compared to nearly every other DPS spec, leaving us feeling like a burden in our raid groups. This isn’t just a matter of numbers; it’s a matter of being seen and valued in the game we love.

As we look ahead to Tier 12 and the Firelands, our fears only grow. The scaling issues we face are not just a small bump in the road; they are a looming wall that threatens to make us completely irrelevant, especially as casters with the legendary staff will widen the gap even further.

And again, it is not just about numbers, though they are important. The issues with our Searing Totem and Fire Elemental AI are incredibly frustrating. It’s hard to feel like we’re contributing meaningfully when our tools don’t work as intended. When raid leaders are actively choosing not to bring Enhancement Shamans because we lack unique utility and competitive damage, it’s more than just a balance issue—it’s an existential crisis for our class.

We remember a time, not so long ago, during Wrath of the Lich King, when you made some bold, yet necessary balance adjustments. You nerfed Unholy DKs and buffed Feral Druids and Retribution Paladins during Ulduar, ensuring that every class had a place and a purpose. We need that kind of attention now more than ever. The balance issues we’re facing are not just minor tweaks—they’re the difference between whether or not we even get to raid.

I want to remind you that many of us are paying for our subscriptions month after month, but it’s getting harder to justify that expense when it feels like our concerns are falling on deaf ears. We don’t want to leave this game—we love it too much—but if things don’t change, we might be forced to reconsider our commitment.

We’re asking you, with all the respect and sincerity we can muster, to please look at the data, listen to your community, and make the necessary adjustments before Firelands is released. Buff the specs that need it, like Enhancement Shaman and Feral Druid, and consider bringing overperforming specs, like Mages, back in line. We believe in this game and in your ability to make it better for everyone. Please don’t let us down.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

A Concerned Enhancement Shaman


I was assured that class balance in Cata is excellent. But more and more topics are popping that things are not as such.

Considering the state of Cata with numerous bugs remaining and little to no news and no dev contact, it is unlikely that they will do anything for the class balance. Sorry to say.

To be fair, it’s the first time ever we are playing phase 1 content with last patch class tuning.


I get where you’re coming from, but I have to respectfully disagree with the idea that class balance in Cataclysm is in a good place. While some people might say everything is fine, the reality for many of us, especially Enhancement Shamans, is far from it. The class balance issues are real, and they’re affecting our gameplay and enjoyment.

I know it feels like Blizzard isn’t as responsive as we’d like, especially with their focus shifting towards retail and Season of Discovery. But let’s not forget that they have made some balance changes in Cataclysm, even if they’ve been subtle. They’ve buffed Balance Druids slightly, and they’ve tried to address the Fire Elemental AI issues—although, yes, there’s still a lot to be desired there. And they recently fixed Atramedes, which shows that they’re not completely ignoring the game.

I’m holding onto the hope that with the upcoming content, they’ll take another look at the balance issues we’re facing. I don’t expect miracles, but it would mean a lot to the community if they made even a few targeted changes to make us feel less forgotten. It’s a long shot, but I believe it’s worth speaking up and reminding them that we’re here and that we care deeply about this game.

Thanks for the conversation, and I hope you’ll join me in keeping the pressure on for a better balance.


Why would I post it there? I guess it is obvious that posting such thing on EU or US forum has higher reach than posting on the Russian section?

I agree that class balance needs to improve. There’s a few things that can be done for classes. But I was attacked in the past by saying this.

Wasn’t WoW Classic, TBC Classic and Wrath Classic last-patch class tuning through-out too?

To my knowledge they were, indeed, and that’s why it has been difficult to predict exact performances at times. What I meant was, it’s the first time we are playing Cataclysm phase 1 content with last patch class tuning.

It feels awful to have searing totem target away from your main target every time you lava lash, and having searing do nothing if you don’t have a stormstrike / flame shock on a target before you put it down. I feel your pain.

From what I see so far in the Sims;

Arms Warrior 42.8k
MasterFrost DK 42.1k
Unholy DK 41.6k
Retri Paladin 40.5k
Sub Rogue 39.9k
Assassin & Combat 39k
Enhance Shaman 38.5k
Fury Warrior - 38k

There is literally a 12% difference between top and bottom. It’s still definitely take the player over the Class but yes, Enhance Shaman is slightly behind but not by much.

This is way more balanced and close compared to any previous expansion by like x10. It sucks being bottom but you guys certainly don’t have it rough compared to other classes.

Ret is phase 1/2 in WoTLK before they got buffed was 40% + behind every Melee and even Warrior was outdpsing Ret by 3k in Naxx. Thats why they were buffed, they were unviable and were weaker than Frost Mage a meme spec. Enhance is in a x50 stronger state than the weaker specs compared to every expansion.

What about ferals though? :stuck_out_tongue: Literal dog spec (pun intended) right now.

Ferals had their time, got buffed to top DPS for the latter half of wotlk :rofl:

Yeah, but I mean now. He listed all melee specs but feral, which is currently doing the worst.

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