[A][Heavy RP-PVP]<Ashenvale Sentinels> looking for volunteers!

Ashenvale sentinels (heavy RP-PvP nightelf guild) looking for volunteers

We are nightelf guild which focused its roleplay on defence of Ashenvale forrest. After joining us expect two roleplay events per week when guild gathering and do military patrol in ashenvale forrest, ambushes, taking part in server world PvP events. As military guild we have rank system with progressing of the character based on his fulfilling some rp criteria. For example first promotion happens after person finish his basic military training, second - after he saw first action in the fight with horde during guild event. We begin with basic military training this Friday so join to do not miss it.

Myself I was commander of Orgrimmar Orc regiment on scarshield legion server in classic wow, organized more than 100 rp guild events. We had duels between us and elven guild who opposed us in ashenvale forrest, feared elves in Teldarassil on halloween, doing roleplaying runs in dungeons, we made several RP-PvP movies with our actual gameplay which you can watch and decide if you want have the same.

Our attack on Astranaar

and “Looking for Lieutenant Xork” when we asked and tortured elves to know what they have done with him

Now we will play as elves and gonna enjoy some night elves racial bonuses comparing with whom orc’s raicial looks pretty weak:

  • Elves have the coolest saber mount, riding on which orcs could only dream! Fearsome and deadly to most, nightsabers are harmless kittens to the night elves!

-beatiful gentle night-elf druids and priests who would treat our wounds in the hospital. Compare this with the healing you can recieve from ugly orc shaman which cure you from your simulations by earthshock!

  • shadowmeld abilty. Every time after my boys heard from me in Ashenvele :”All quiete, no elves yet!”, the next second we appeared in hell - countless spells flying into our side, packs of beast running towards us and avalance of arrows to us! All the time! That was hurt! Now it will be our power!

You can write in this topic if you wish join Ashenvale Sentinels or contact me in game.


I was once in NE only guild in Ravenholdt, during vanilla. It was named Kaldorei Imperium and it was pretty much the best RP experience I had…

So this shows promise. To me at least.

I might throw you whisper in game :thinking:

Good luck sounds awesome

I like the guild, fingers crossed we have some encounters in Ashenvale with you lads in the near future!

How can I contact you for orgazing future events?

Feel free to add my discord, I mentioned it on my guild post :slight_smile:

We arrived to Ashenvale forrest and begin our compaing there, join our ranks till it is not too late!

New Alterac will stand by your side should you need help in dealing with Horde

Looks awesome! Hoping to have some encounters in Ashenvale with you lot if you get up to much trouble with the Horde, or the Horde gets up to much trouble in Ashenvale!

I am happy to hear this Elisande. We will send our messengers to New Alterac in case of trouble and you aslo can count on our small band !

Looking forward to the first event this week ^^

So far we have carried 17 RP events, many of them were RP-PVP in Ashenvale forrest. Join us to do not miss others!

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This guild is full of scary elves who turned my dead skin into a pin cushion with their arrows.

:star::star::star::star::star:, high quality arrows, highly recommended.

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