A Helping Hand - bugged

Few people having the same issue as me it seems, that we cannot interact with the 3rd portal to complete the quest.

Edit: After reading on google, enabling warmode fixes it for some reason.

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Can confirm. Can’t interact with the third portal & now after retaking the quest i can only use one.

They added just a few quests. Is it like mandatory to have at least one bugged? I don’t get it. It’s not any different from clicking on stuff in any other quest. Does every quest have it’s own code?

It’s nice there at least is a fix for it, but I’m not turning on warmode just because the devs become increasingly incompetent
I’ll simply assume the quest is not important to the storyline and move on

You can enable it, then quickly fly to the spot, click, hand in, then zoom back and take warmode off then wait 5 mins and go back to complete. Better than nothing but typical Blizz blunder.

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