Greetings champions!
We are Here We Go Again, a relatively new guild which has been formed for around 6 weeks now and we are a cute little community of under 100 players, but we are really active and sociable. Most of us came from another guild after the guild leader went a bit mental and started booting people for no reason, so we set up our own little camp.
We are currently raiding on Wednesday and Sunday evenings from 7:30 PM ST
to 11PM ST.
We are looking to expand to raiding Mythic now and to do that we must bolster our roster!
We are also quite active with mythic plus runs and most members are regularly running keys every night so there’s always something to do.
Our guild motto is No Drama, so everyone really has such a laid back and smooth vibe, even in our active discord it is the same. The current members are a pleasure to be around and it is managed as a council rather than a single person.
We are on the hunt for all specs at the moment but are mainly lacking DK/DH/Mage which means a lot of loot goes to waste.
Reply here or message add me on Battlenet: VeganHere#2811 (don’t ask) or Discord: Hestolemydog
Oh another super guild perk is that we have every recipe maxed out and crafting is free for guild members.
Thanks for reading, see you in Azeroth!