[A] Hi, I'm also looking for a guild to call home

For a while now I’ve been trying to get into a community with no real luck.
I have a past of roleplaying on these servers and while I’m not particularly interested in roleplaying a character, I’d very much like to DM for you folks out there who are left. However it’s not been easy to find a guild.

I was invited to two separate community channels, but no one ever really seems to talk in there. I’ve never actually seen anyone talk in /LFRP either which I remember housing a few helpful people back in the day. I have yet to see anyone roleplay in Stormwind, but I understand smaller communities house everything within guilds.

I remember a discord channel, which I actually found, but it seems dead seeing the last message was sent exactly a month ago as of yesterday.

I have also applied for a guild, but no one has reached out to me, although this was largely an error on my part. Anyway, the point is that I’ve had a hard time actually finding a community. The guild “Leveling” constantly invites me on my two characters, but for obvious reasons this isn’t the kind of ‘community’ I’m looking for.

Anyone who can help me out? I would have left a message in the other thread, but he’s on Horde so I figured that warranted a thread of my own since I’m on Alliance.


Hello. I find strange you have problems finding RP.

There is a discord community which is very active on Defias & Co. however when you join it, you need to ask for a rank mentioning the moderators (alliance, neutral, horde) otherwise you will not be able to see the RP channels in which the Roleplayers often write.

On the same discord server you will also find a list of active guilds.

I also suggest you to give a look to these weekly events ([RP] Public weekly events, it is a post in the forum). In these days you can find for sure some Roleplayers around.

Finally I would also invite you to give a look to our guild website (we are the Circle of Justice), we are a mixture of a RP-PvE guild. Maybe you can get in touch with us, and it will also maybe be for you a way to get in touch again with the RP community.

See you around.

Here i also give you my Battlenet Tag (Fenix#2197 ) so that if you wish you can contact me privately in case you want to know more about where the RP nowdays happens.

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Is there any chance I can receive an invite for this discord or is it closed off?

I would like discord inv too, I’m looking for RP guild.


Here it is guys

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