[A] House of Nobles - A roleplaying proposal

Hi, I want to pitch a roleplay idea and hopefully to find people to make this happen as I think something like this might enhance roleplaying environment on the server. By the way, I have never participated in World of Warcraft roleplay specifically, so I am not sure if this idea has already been implemented elsewhere so apologies if it has been done before.

I would like to propose a roleplay initiative among the Alliance faction that does not include a singular guild or a static scenario; rather a more flexible weekly roleplaying event that anyone in the faction can participate in.

The general idea is to recreate the Stormwind Government with its House of Nobles but to make it more inclusive for every race and specializations. The main branch will obviously be nobility, with various families and various titles - and that will include the governors, mayors and so on. With that in mind, I would like to include several military attachĂ©s from the Stormwind Army, SI:7, the Church of Light members, the wizardry community and so on as they would undoubtedly be heavily influential in Stormwind’s government, especially during a weak regency. To expand on that, I was thinking to include the ambassadors and consuls from Ironforge, Gnomeregan and Teldrassil respectfully - in lesser numbers than humans.

The main premise is to host a weekly or bi-weekly council with optional events in between in order to recreate the politics and diplomacy that might be happening during the events of Classic. The failing monarchy of Stormwind, the troubles in the regions, the conspiracies of the nobility and hostility of the Horde are all a great roleplaying subject with lots of potential for many characters to shine. We could follow the timeline tied to the progression in the game as people are questing: on the first council meeting the problem of the Defias will be introduced and the possibility of troubles in the Stockades will be raised while on the second council meeting Van Cleef would have already been slain and the riots in the Stockades are just starting - obviously this could be changed, depending on how people like it. Later on, the whole conspiracy with Onyxia and Lady Prestor would be uncovered as well.

Since I do not have any experience in WoW RP, I am really curious on what do you guys think of that? I really want to find people to try and make this happen and preferably without one guild so anyone can join if possible.



I wouls love to participate as a representative of the free nation of Dalaran. I’ll be monitoring this thread keenly :grinning::+1:

Our guild has someone in particular that would be included in those meetings too.

Nobility is usually a popular concept. Caren may show up on these meetings as the representative of the clergy if they will be public. People are still levelling but I can already see a few role playing guilds forming. RP will catch up in a few months, I think.

Having had experience of a long running ‘House of Nobles’ on Earthen Ring server. I have to caution that it can very easily become a clique, rather than an inclusive forum to promote roleplay and create events.

From a lore perspective, it would only make sense to include members of Stormwind’s aristocracy; Bishop’s; ennobled merchants; high ranking members of the military and perhaps foreign aristocrats originating from Lordaeron/Stromgarde etc whom have sworn fealty to King Anduin.

For a political organisation in Stormwind city to take in members who are not part of the social elite or one of the newly encountered races such as the Night Elves(Classic of course being set not too long after the events of Warcraft 3), then I would suggest rather than a House of Nobles, instead something along the lines of a City or Municipal Council. I think it is far more feasible for the cities ethnic minorities to first find representation in local government.

Local government would as I put before, be more lore friendly for the non-humans of the Alliance, but allow its members to be drawn from a far wider variety of backgrounds, there is no reason someone roleplaying an aristocrat could not also sit on the city council. But if a commoner was to become a member of the House of Nobles, they would likely be required to be ennobled. Character’s whom roleplay as thuggish types could also become involved, for example a member of a large criminal gang may be able to coerce his/her way into becoming a councillor - with the right political backing of course.

I also think the idea of a forum headed by say a Mayor to much more grounded than an actual legislative/advisory organisation like the House of Nobles, of which many members would be on first name basis with the King. Quite often the House of Nobles would be involved in high level politics, relating to foreign affairs, the economy of the Kingdom etc. A city council could still be involved with taxation and organising large events such as trade fairs, religious festivals, trials or say a military parade.

Best of luck whatever you decide to do!


Echoing what the person above said.

It can start with good intentions but quickly devolve into headcanon and bullying other players using a near enough made up position of power. I would agree that an open council of sorts may be better suited. Houses and nobility very, very rarely play out well in RP servers.

Good luck with your project!

Death to the Nobles!

The Brotherhood shall prevail!


Watch yer back.


I am always skeptical towards roleplay regarding nobility. Nobles are, in essence, appointed by the monarch. Which means that your character or your character’s family at some point was personally awarded nobility by a King or Queen? Is that really something you want to indulge on? It’d be much like having my character wander about telling everyone about the letter he just received from Varian. More so, as already mentioned, this could easily be molded into a clique of false privileges. Nobles have power, but should player characters ever have actual power over others’ characters? I mean no, which is also why I have always found Guard-guilds troublesome.

A “Townshall”/“City”/“People”-council would be much to prefer in this regard, and I second Iseult on this matter. It’d also be of paramount importance to put in place some manner of electoral system, ensuring that no character remains seated on the counsel for too long, and that fresh blood can always hope get involved if they only try.

The Brotherhood watches.

Be careful here.


You wanna play kings and nobles while the farmers are in need of help
 Such pity


The Brotherhood sends their regards


When the good became the bad, they became nobles.

We do not accept your authority and shall do whatever it costs to give the power back to the people!



The Brotherhood shall prevail!


None may challenge the Brotherhood!


I came in here to threaten the nobility and alliance, but seems those Defias boys have it pretty wrapped up already.

Good luck Brotherhood!


It would certainly be interesting to see this take shape especially with the threat of the Defias looming over. I have a character in mind for this, I just need to get on with levelling in classic.

We took care of them, don’t worry.

I like this idea. :slight_smile:
As far as I know gnomes don’t give a sh@it about nobility but as a member of the mage guild, I’d gladly have a look on this.
