This is the real problem guys, almost every day Alliance forces free to enter in Orgrimar.
At now controled trade quartal “AH, bank” and valley of “Honor” this is absolute terrible!!!
look at this:
If Thrall continues to do nothing, the horde will have to run to Thunder Bluff or something else.
The Horde needs urgent reforms !!!
the kor’kron elite of this server.
An interesting fact is that when there is an alliance invasion, mages portals from Orgrimmarland have a x3 price.
What’s that? You can actually kill players? Would you look at that…
Reading this forum would lead anyone to believe the paladin(tier D class right?) starts taking fatigue damage just when in render distance of horde players.
You must be the god of paladins.
Also it looks like it’s not just goblin town guards need an upgrade in fighting abilities. In SoD you can set up camp in the enemy capital if you are geared, the guards really need to hit the gym.
Guard is fine, i think main problem here is a coward horde players who turn of pvp, we shoud recognize that horde in “living flame” is pve factions.
This… So fed up with all the pve bois complaining about pvp on a pvp server. Its the same every “raid night”, a small group of alliance is guarding the aq gate. And instead of actually rushing in (when hordes clearly outnumber them), they just run in 1 by 1 and dying. All-the-while complaining about pvp.
i think people will start doing world pvp if they get unemployed for 2 decades straight i will have time and a pointless enought life
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Doing the Lords work !
Animal control at its best. You get em from there, and im getting them from Cenarion Hold xD
I see a lot of pain in your post.
Together, my brother !
make it 3 decades for them