Ice Cloud is recruiting!
We are currently 3/9M on Battle of Dazar’alor and 2/2H on Crucible of Storms.
Raid days are Monday, Wednesday and Sunday from 20:00 - 23:00 server time.
For the raid core, we prefer you to have at least HC raiding experience, having Mythic experience is obviously a big plus.
You should be able to play your class at an appropriate level and come prepared with all necessary consumables.
Also, having a working mic for our Discord server is a requirement.
We are doing our best improving our raid roster to make sure we have optimal conditions for progression raiding.
We are not only looking for people who are interested in raids, but also social players who are active in the game and like to do activities with other guild members.
You can expect the occasional alt raid, Mythic+ runs and sometimes even guild events like PvP or M+ tournaments.
You can contact the guild master directly on: TicTac#21383
We hope to see you in game soon!