[A] Join NEW PvP Community - Let's make PvP alive again!

Hey fellow adventurers!

Are you tired of wandering Azeroth alone? Are you seeking a dynamic group of PvP enthusiasts to conquer the battlegrounds, arenas & open world with? Look no further!

:shield: What the ingame PvP community offers:

  1. Team Coordination: Join forces with like-minded players who share your passion for PvP.
  2. Arena Domination: Whether you’re a seasoned gladiator or just starting your journey into arenas, our community welcomes players of all skill levels. Team up with others to climb the ranks and claim victory in intense 2v2 & 3v3.
  3. Battleground Excitement: A place to find players to join you for battleground queue’s, premades & ranked BG.
  4. Friendly Environment: The community is built on respect, sportsmanship, and a shared love for WoW PvP. Whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore competitor, you’ll find a welcoming space to connect and grow.

Last but not least, what will differ us from the other PvP communities that you can find ingame?
We will focus on having active players in the community, characters that dont log on for over 2 weeks will be kicked (and are welcome when they return to the game). We will check this by asking you to write every wednesday the new date. The goal is to have a chat where you can ask for a group and find one immediately. Not a dead chat where no-one ever responds.

:globe_with_meridians: How to Join:

Simply make a post on this thread and introduce yourself! Share your charname-realm, preferred class, PvP goals & btag for contact.

Let’s forge alliances, crush our enemies, and revel in the glory of PvP together. Join us in the World of Warcraft PvP community, where the battlefield becomes a playground, and victory is our common language!

For the Alliance! For glory!

Bubhoshum | Alliance | Silvermoon

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Hey there! I would be interested in joining.

Character is Akaius-ArgentDawn, Unholy DK. I’m a casual PvPer generally but I’ve started running solo shuffle a lot.

I really want to progress and improve in arena, and I’d absolutely love to do Rated BGs. I’m always willing to listen and learn.

I am active most weeks. Battletag is Xercius#21891

Thank you :slight_smile:

Sorry, just posting on my actual character!

Hey! I’m interested.

My character is: Goldskuil-Kazzak, warrior (arms currently but can play fury as well).

I am currently at around 1600 ss (1870 is my best, last season), 1000 3v3 (1650 is my best but on FDK back in s2 shadowlands when I started with pvp).

I play a lot with regimented training days and am looking for a dedicated 3v3 arena group.

I would love to hear from you! Battletag: Goldskullll#2175.


Sumayel-ArgentDawn, holy paladin - Necrolitus#2446.


I’m an M+ diehard fan healer main making the switch over to PvP and dps and I’m looking for friendly people to play with as I learn! I’ve already gotten a fair amount of gear and I am looking to do 2’s and 3’s with some friendly people that don’t mind me royally goofing up here and there. I am definitely open to constructive criticism, though!

I go by Blizzy and my bnet tag is Blizzyx#21717

I would like to join as well, recently came back to WoW, playing both PVP and PvE.
Almost fully geared up, I’d like to have some fun running decent groups =)
My pvp character is a Sub-Rogue

My bnet tag is Natrixz#1830

priest with exp 2.1 I’m looking for a group to do rbg or arenas
battletag: Ghostroller#21220

Hey, returning player, my exp is not recent, but was 2.2 in legion.

Disc priest and resto druid are my classes :slight_smile:


Happy to do BGS and Arenas.

Hi there! :slight_smile:

My char name is Ðiablø, im playing with my Destro Lock, im interested only in Bgs and my B-tag is Lendrik#21952

Ty so much!

Hello there. I am playing everyday rated arena 2v2 and 3v3. I have 2k3xp, have DH, War, Rdru. Looking for a guild or community to play everyday arena, chill, push and have fun. Can do voice too. Tarren-Mill and Ravencrest, Alliance and Horde, battletag: Rocknrolla:2232

Hello! I want to get into pvp but I believe its really hard to do it without community. I’m into all kinds of contects, arenas, bgs, wpvp. I usually do pvp with my warrior, monk (will try to get into healing as well), rogue and sometimes hunter. I can do voice, I have characters both on Ravencrest and Argent Dawn. I would appreciate invite! Cheers.

Battletag: Thorwion#2352