A Kids Feedback?!?! 🤨

I mean its been predicted left and right over the years and given one of the lore writers basically considers her his waifu you can assume the rest. Hope is that one of the higher ups tells him “Noooooo” and they keep her as evil. I would still favour her being obsessed with mastering death or killing everyone as to prevent herself from her foretold fate.

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I find it rather hurtful that the players who have supported this game do not get a say in this as far as Blizzard is concerned.

Yup I called it years ago when the Tree burning was revealed

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how about world of disagreement?



Dont worry, you were not alone to call it =p but the funniest part in this was all of her “fans” saying it was wait ho “out of character” seems like we go back to it again =p (even if this time it was totally how sylvanas is just murdering ppl)

As if they ever asked our thoughts once about such things, they often sneackly change stuff without saying anything like for exemple when there is an item that is too fun like the corgy gogles they will change it instantly the nexxt day but for real problems like balancing or anything like this you can wait 5y

Yeah, thats how it should be but its not in good way for it, but yeah its how she was shown and depicted since long itme ago, as a selfish person who just want to do anything to not be in the maw again and stay “alive” to not suffer endless torments, but since end of bfa and now with sl i feel like they changed their mind =/


But worgen are ‘filthy animals’, it’s like, their whole thing.
The core of their lore.

this ^^

Just to direct that one back at you, why mention the kid in the first place then. The only thing that accomplishes in this case is to intentionally mislead people.

‘We had a team member play through this part, and the line Garrosh used stuck out from the rest of the game, so we wanted to put it in line’

Boom. Nothing to discuss.

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Except that it wasn’t people on the forums who brought ‘the kids’ into it, but a certain chappy with a rather unhealthy fascination with Sylvanas. I mean frankly I find his obsession a bit more unhealthy than the b-word, however what -does- stick out, is that the word removed is a mild insult, however it is removed because of which -character- it is addressed to, which happens to be the absolute favourite (to an arguably unhealthy degree) of the person saying that the words don’t fit.

Thats the problem. It’s not that the words don’t fit. They completely do, the B-word used predominantly against Males seems to remain in game, despite that making even less lore sense than the female b-word as one describes a societal construct that might not even be a ‘thing’ in Warcaft, whereas the other describes the term for a female canine, which we know -do- exist in Warcraft.

That’s what is jarring.

It does not look like the word is being removed because it doesn’t ‘fit’, it looks like the word is being removed because of which character it is being used towards in both cases, the same character that is the favourite of the person making the change.

I suppose the only way we would know for certain is if Lor’themar had referred to Jaina as “That human (redacted)!” after the Purge instead of “That human Witch!” and that also got changed. If it did, then perhaps Blizz is just excising nasty words against female characters, an understandable, yet hypocritical move, whereas if he had used the b-word about Jaina and that got left in, that would show something even more troubling, and Danuser should be removed from any decision making when it comes to Sylvanas and Forsaken plot.

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Not really the context that I was replying to but it’s alright.

Quite frankly, I don’t really care if a word is removed in a sentence that I don’t even encounter ever. In my opinion, if you find it offensive and feel like action has to be taken against something to minor and insignificant, then you need to grow a spine whether you’re a player or a developer.

why is this such a big deal tho? i don’t get the uproar over removing one word lmao

when i first did the quest, i thought it was kinda out of place but whatever, i never gave it a second thought.

Fair enough, my bad for misunderstanding. :slight_smile:

As I posted a couple of posts up, it’s about -which- fictional character the word was directed to, and -who- said it was being removed because it didn’t fit, a person who has a track record for having an unhealthy obsession with said fictional character.

It could just be that it is the word, however given that both examples of it being removed (Said by two different NPC’s) are directed at the same NPC (That the person is obsessed with) this looks like unhealthy obsession, rather than the word itself not fitting the setting, which it almost certainly does.

The fact that no other swear words of equal severity have been removed is rather telling.

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Those naughty dwarfs and their sticky hands huh :no_mouth:

That one still creases me up, both for the fact that it is in game, and for the fact that it is used -wrong-. How difficult is it to use a swear word wrong if it is in your own language?
Worst swearword I have seen in a computer game, and they get it so wrong it elicits hilarity rather than shock value!

In my case is another straw that is threatening to break the camel’s back.

Everything seems to be about Sylvanas and Danuser.

Story, cinematics, censorship.

Here’s one situation I wouldn’t even argue.
A character with a profile like Calia Menethil being called the b-word.

Now compare that to Sylvanas character.
She is the complete opposite.

In which case I would argue two situations in which the same character is involved:

  • Silvanas orders the burning of Teldrassil, with civilians inside. Blizzard approved 2018.
  • Sylvanas is called the b-word by Garrosh im 2010. Wrong.

Why the same character gets different treatment ?
It’s like this character is given permission to do literally EVERYTHING.
If someone insults her WRONG.

If this isn’t the epitome of double standards I don’t know what it is, tbh.

Remember this discussion ?


“Sylvanas’ body will be “censored” from now on, because parents can’t explain why she’s wearing that? … They went and censored Sylvanas belly in World of Warcraft and they did it silently and anomalously without previews or anything of that sort because they knew, that the players would be against it.”

From Blizzcon 2014, Chris Metzen said:

“We’ve heard our female employees,” he said. “And my daughter tools me out about it. She saw a World of Warcraft cinematic of the Dragon Aspects, and my daughter was like, ‘Why are they all in swimsuits?’ And I was like, ‘I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.’”

“Sylvanas’ body will be “censored” from now on, because parents can’t explain why she’s wearing that? Yes the picture above was to be Sylvanas model for Heroes of the Storm but the fan were so against it that they reverted it. But the thought that they would do something like this, makes me wonder if they hate sexy things or are just pressured by people like Anita.”

Is it a coincidence that one of the characters involved was Sylvanas ?


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As i have to remind it again, this quest is not the single place that word got removed, so this “out of place” arugement is pointless to give

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The point seems to be that we all know Steve Danuser’s…feelings…for Sylvanas. The two examples where this swear word is used at Sylvanas are therefore deleted, Similarly offensive language is left in place when used towards other characters. -Worse- offensive language is left in game.

I think it is the hypocrisy displayed that people are annoyed about. If they had removed -all- the offensive swearwords, then yes, it would seem very odd and watered down, but understandable, if they had kept all the swearing in, then that would seem more realistic, but equally understandable.

Removing a swearword because it is used against a specific NPC that a dev has an unhealthy fetish for, is not understandable. This is not about ‘A Kid said it was odd’, this is about people being meanies to Sylvanas.

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