A Kids Feedback?!?! 🤨

Its about the removal of the Garrosh line.

More focused on why they removed it because of a kid?!?!?!

Edit: the word does feel out of place, im all about the way they get their feedback.


It was a very memorable scene because he used the b word but I think if they’d have just made it ‘witch’ instead then it would have worked fine. Missed opportunity.

The game has the age rating to cover the b word and I don’t feel it needed removing but it’s their choice. I’m not really that invested in it either way.


I’d like to spin this around, and ask the children of developers to play monk. So we may end up being fixed at some point. Thank you!


I don’t really care much either way but it seems silly to waste time going this many years back to remove stuff.
It was fine for like what, 10 years, but NOW it’s a problem?
And why can Sylvanas use the same word directed at Arthas in WC3 still?


Oh I am so sorry for forgetting about the kids, let’s take that part out.

Yes, Sylvanas and Godfrey speak about the Worgen like they are filthy animals, even though they have a severe affliction and are even considered a race these days, but that is completely fine.


We need to get the kids of the Devs some twitter accounts so we can see what will change in the future apparently


Blizzard: We removed the word because it’s not consistent use of language within the game

It’s quite simple, the word doesn’t fit in with the rest of the game in how language is being used, stop complaining already.


It’s activision blizzard. They do these unnecessary and triggering changes all the time.

The B word has been said, someone went back and saw it and remembered it’s there and got worried.

They started talking about it and detected 0.000000000000000000000000001% chance of it being a triggering concept.


I don’t know why people are surprised nowadays.

Kid or no kid, they do this all the time. Remember Swifty NPC? that wasn’t too long ago either.


Whilst I appreciate you’re trying to be edgy, it clearly says that “he enjoyed playing the game with his kid” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


for me its not about the word, its about being based of one of the teams kids though, biggest problem we have is not knowing if they listen to the feedback but then theres that

he/she doesn’t really mean anything these days

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Which is not what’s being said.

A team member sent feedback that he enjoyed playing the game with his kid, but when they encountered Garrosh’s line, it stuck out from other language in the game.

Nowhere it’s said that it’s changed because of the kid, it’s literally stated that: “it stuck out from other language in the game.” The team member found it while playing with his kid.

People really just read what they want to read.

No, you’re just upset about not being able to read. It was clearly said in the first post that “he” enjoyed playing the game with his kid.

They are pronouns, it means a lot. You use pronouns the entire time.


It was removed because a writer didn’t want his queen to be called a bad word.

It hurt him


fair enough, its odd though that its only now that he then realize it.

But its fine that your kid watches the horde barbeque all of the people in a city? Fry, them all. Just don’t call them mean words? What a weak, inadequate excuse.

Those words sat there for a decade, for good or bad. They were a product of their time. I personally think its wrong to go and change them. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should


Wise panda is wise

How does that relate to anything exactly? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If it wasn’t for the professionally offended YouTubers, 99.99% of the players would never have even noticed.


I wonder how old the team members “kid” was. If he/she was younger than 12 at the time of playing the game then there’s a big issue at hand.
The game has an age rating of 12, they’re more than welcome to use the B word under that age rating. Then suddenly some team member says that his kid played it and want’s it removed for whatever reason they oblige. Why?
10 years down the line why is suddenly not acceptable anymore? This is a game where murder, fighting, gambling is common place, but someone used a minor swear word?
This is the issue I have with it, it’s not necessarily the fact they removed it, but the principles around removing it.


No I’m not, but it seems you’re the triggered one :sunglasses: