(A) <Kill It With Fire> Friendly 2 day HC Guild

Hi all.

After clearing Uldir and Battle for Daza’Alor on HC earlier in the expansion, our guild had to stop raiding due to players real life commitments. However we are now back better than before and are waiting eagerly for 8.3 having cleared Eternal Palace on HC.

Our raid days are Thursday and Sunday from 8-11pm server time.

Our current progress is 8/8N and 8/8HC. We are still clearing the raid at this point and doing M+ weekly.

Our guild is a small group of friendly players who like to raid in a relaxed and drama free environment, whilst having the focus and ability to clear HC every tier. We provide food and flasks in the raid along with gems and enchants made by people in the guild, have a dedicated Discord server and website, and along with raiding we run regular mythic plus during the week and weekend.

Our current recruitment needs are as follows.

Tank: Full.

Healer: Full.

Dps: Strong priority for Mage, Death Knight, Hunter, Shadow Priest, and Monk. Currently full on Rogue and Warlock.

For joining enquiries or questions please add me on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222.

You can also apply directly at our website -https://killitwithfire.enjin.com- (without the - symbols ofc).

Thx for reading and enjoy the game :slight_smile:


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With HC on farm now we are looking for more people to join our friendly team for 8.3. We’d still love to add some classes to the group and get a raid size between 15-20. Current recruitment needs below:

Tank: Full.

Healer: We will need a MS healer as the team grows a bit. Prefer Paladin or Monk but all considered.

Dps: We have a slight preference for ranged dps atm, but can still take some melee. Considering all except Mages and DH, with particular interest in DK, Monk, Paladin, Hunter, Shadow Priest, Boomkin, and Warlock.

Please apply online at -https://killitwithfire.enjin.com- or add Max on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222 for a chat about joining. Thx :slight_smile:

Hey mate, still looking for a Holy paladin?

Hi there.

Absolutely would be great if we could have a chat :slight_smile:
I’ll be around at various points today and then later on in the evening after 9pm server time.

Feel free to add me on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#022 for a chat. Thx


Hey all :slight_smile:

We are still looking for reliable players to join our small team over on Quel’Thalas!

Currently interested in dps - ranged or melee esp Mage, Priest, Hunter, Boomkin, Monk, Rogue, and DK.

Also a healer - prefer Pally, Monk, or Shaman but all considered.

We are of course clearing the raid in one night atm, but we are doing our weekly m+ as well while we look forward to some new content to get stuck into.

Please add Max on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222 for a chat. You can also apply direct to our website at https:// killitwithfire.enjin. com (just close up the gaps) Thx :slight_smile:

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Updated recruitment.

Tank: Looking for one MS tank. Prefer DK, Pally, Druid, DH, or Warrior.

Healer: Prefer Pally, Monk, Shaman, but all considered.

Dps: high priority for Mage, Hunter, DK, and Monk. Others considered but full on warlocks and rogues.

Please add me on Battlenet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222 for a chat about joining. Many thanks :slight_smile:

With our tank situation now sorted, we are looking for the following to bolster our team as we move toward 8.3.

Tank: Full.

Healer: Prefer Paladin, Monk, or Shaman but all considered.

Ranged Dps: High priority for Mage, also Balance Druid, Shadow Priest, and Hunter. Others considered but full on Warlocks at present.

Melee Dps: Full on Rogues but all other classes considered.

Add Max on Battlenet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222 for a chat about joining. We look forward to hearing from you :slight_smile:

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Hi all.

Surviving the lull while we wait for new content :slight_smile:

As we move toward 8.3 we are looking for more Dps and one healer to join our friendly group.

Dps: High priority for Mage and Death Knight. Also Boomkin, Shadow Priest, Hunter. Other classes considered but no room for Rogue or Warlock at present.

Healer: Prefer Shaman, Paladin, or Monk, but Druid and Priest considered also.

Please add me on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222 for a chat. Thx,


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Hi all.

We are now looking only for dps for 8.3.

Priority is for ranged, especially Mage, but all enquiries welcome. Contact Max on Dodger#2127 or Maxi#0222 for a chat about joining.


Hi all.

With patch 8.3 about to drop we are looking for a few more reliable people to join our small team for raiding and M+.

Tank: Full.

Healer: One MS healer preferably Paladin, Monk, or Shaman.

Ranged Dps: Hunter, Boomkin, Mage, or Shadow Priest. Shaman also considered.

Melee: DK, Monk, Shaman, Warrior with others considered.

Please add me on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222 for a chat about joining for the new raid :slight_smile:
