A lack of game polish, dump your complaints here

I’m sure there’s a ton of complaints that I could muster, but I’ll just go with one for now. The Pandaren Language.

Om nom nom nom nom. :panda_face:

I just… I feel so bad for the Pandaren RPers.


[Laughs in Female Worgen Model Pre-Model Update.]
You think you know pain?


Worse yet: the vulpera language doesnt even get a [Vulpera] prefix.


Makes me chuckle every time.

The transmog system still needs some major updates. Tidying it up by stacking identical models with colour change options, removing certain limitations on weapons (i’m looking at you polearms), and removing the glow/smoke effects from some weapons and armor, etc.

no one asked


While I do think the model has become bearable to look at, I still don’t look at them and think of werewolves. Too lanky and upright. :frowning:

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I’m okay with that really. They’re gilneans first, worgen second.

I think there is a fine line between having them look more ‘beastly’ and ‘oh dear Buddha what have you done to my girl?!’. But, this could be solved with having more varied body type options in general anyway.

You want the thin, feminine-looking wolf-lady? No problem. You want her to look like the werewolf from the film ‘Cursed’? Can do.

How does this relate to the PCU, except for you white knighting a group that can probably defend themselves. Though I’m still curious how this thread relates to the PCU except for saying Vulpera have stupid attacks.

You’d have to know OP to truly understand the depth of Coalburnt’s original comment above Kaytlinne’s. I’m afraid it’s just 2esoteric4u


I want the Underworld Werewolves. The 1st generation Werewolves that is.

Which ones were those? Are those the ones that were seen during the clips of the past? The village attack?

Yea! Those are the ones!

I guess you just ignored the post I was replying to, then. The one that literally brought it up out of nowhere.

I know they can defend themselves. It’s also certainly not ‘white knighting’, when the reason for my complaint is entirely to do with me and not them; I just get SO bored of multiple threads devolving into he-said-she-said regarding them. Like, change the flipping record already?

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We can try to fix that one by submitting it as a bug. (and just for you i just submitted it)

Hey I’m happy you guys got your deserved updates :stuck_out_tongue:

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Presumably based on who the OP and how this is a. their first post that isn’t on an check-pvp hidden alt and b. not about how PCU bad

Posting about vulpera attacks doesn’t instantly delete that context / make people instantly forget the kind of whispers our friend there sends out for maybe even hours at a time and I guess if the thread is about complaints it’s a fine place for just that


I’ve been submitting the lack of animations and other such things as bugs AND suggestions but I haven’t seen results so far.
Honestly, it’s disheartening.

[Edit]: Esspecially considering that I tried to bring these to Blizzard’s attention quite a few times since the PTR.
Makes me think that the Vulpera were just pandering. (I mean, they are, but low quality pandering.)

The Night Elf boob bounce. Like on one hand you’ve got the well-justified crusade on these forums against in-game perversion using roleplaying add-ons and on the other hand one of the game’s most popular models just ups and shakes her rack every minute or so of idling.


Male pandaren still can’t have long tails :frowning:

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