A lack of game polish, dump your complaints here

Kul Tiran females and Vulpera (M/F) are STILL lacking basic auto attack animations for two-handed swords, axes and maces.
Blizzard is a MULTI MILLION dollar company and since the Kul Tirans came out, that little bit of polish has not been done.
It’s the same for Vulpera, they just lack the animations.

Instead, we’re treated to Crusader Strikes and Cleaves, over and over, seeing the models teleport into position for either of these moves.

It’s jarring, it’s ugly, Blizzard has no excuse for this lack of polish and it’s about time that they fixed it.

I wanted a female Kul Tiran warrior, same for Vulpera, but I quickly turned away when I saw the lack of normal, expected animations. I even complained about this on the PTR, but I honestly feel like I was ignored.

Now, as I said in the title, I’d like other people to also place their complaints here that have to do with a lack of polish or are obvious oversights that Blizzard hasen’t even attempted to look at.

Won’t take a lot out of your self-awarded bonuses, Kotick! Promise.

he said while posting on European forums

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Silvermoon and the exodar still being part of the outland world instance

silvermoon is basicly made from card board

Zones now have mixtures of vanilla and recently updated models.


My complaint is that so many anti-PCU types are so intent on making anything that has nothing to do with PCU… about the PCU? It’s worryingly obsessive.

(Unless I just got done by The Memes, in which case fair play, GG, top kek)


GAME polish, not the server.
Try not to make it about the people on the server.


Death Knight eyes

I still cant even


Do you have alt complaints?

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can we start calling Sweetey the Jim Sterling/Moviebob of Argent Dawn

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Something wrong with the animations, or do you just dislike the new ones in general?

The fact there are Old World mobs that HAVE newer models that still don’t use them.
Harpies, furbolgs, I’m sure there are more.

In fact, just the lack of updating old texture, zones, armours and weapons…eesh!


Honestly the former would be an honor. Jim’s content is great.

Base rams receive an updated model with Shadowlands, but the rare quality Dwarf mounts? They have a saddle attached, and Blizzard for some reason don’t want to update that saddle along with the rams so we’re stuck with the vanilla mounts.

The same thing happened in BFA with updated horses, but I guess that was deliberate so the Kul Tiran reputation mounts had at least some worth.

…On the contrary, kodos in were updated in Legion, and THEY got mount upgrades, saddle and all.


Both. The eyes themselves do not glow with most helmets but the fog effect is still there so it looks like you have an aquarium behind the visor. Personally, I liked the simple glow effects way more than this Lich King-esque effect we have now.


I would suggest this thread for the General discussion section.


Myea. I’m not very forum savvy.

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The Ghostlands high elf ruins where high elven ghost haunt. And they use …

… night elf models. With a static, plastered skin of big anime eyed white skin and blonde hair.

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That one grinds my gears as well.

Those are actually original high elf models from Vanilla.
They are nightmare fuel.


Gotta remeber where you came from and that Night Elves were the first :wink:

  • Loads of jarringly old VFX still interspersed with the newer effects
  • Many old spell sounds either recorded at lower frequency, or mixed differently and clashing with the crispier new sounds (e.g. every channel/barrier/blink sounds like you’re in a dalaran public restroom and a toilet is being flushed in the next cabin)
  • the fact that the capitals aren’t yet updated to match the new horde/alliance environment palette that’s being added since WoD (compare the portal rooms to the rest of the city)
  • many RP-useful animations present in the animation files/used for NPCs, but not implemented as emotes (carrying, leaning, alternate weapon holsters).
  • a general sore lack of emotes/idle stances/face expressions compared to nearly any other modern MMO
  • a single base model for literally anything robe or dress-related, despite the availability of physics bones for “cloth physics” (as is on many belts or shoulders)
  • baked-in cloak animation despite the aforementioned
  • the fact that customization is still based on handcrafted textures in all possible combinations, instead of coloring skin/eyes/hair and layering details like scars and tattoos procedurally, which literally every other game’s been doing for a good decade, and this ancient character tech is likely the limiting factor in how much new customization we got.