[A] Late Night Raiding Community LF DPS

Welcome and thank you for taking the time to stop by!

Our beloved community is looking for people with similar mindset to ours, it’s important to get people only who can digest that we are casuals with limited time.

A bit about us:
Our community has been established for people that have other commitments, like being a parent or having strange working schedule etc. and cannot raid or enjoy the game due to their uncommon availability.

Long term goal with the community:
At the beginning we will play through the community system, then if we succeed and get on well we can decide (but it’s not a must) which realm we would like to be and play under the same banner. Both Community and Guild system has it’s pros and cons but this is yet to be decided together as a community and is just an option. Starting with normal raid, and aiming to get Curve once we have a solid team in each tier.

Raiding & active hours:
The idea is to have uncommon raiding schedule, where raids start from 22:30 - 23:00 and lasts until like 1:00 or until we feels like we can go.
The days and timing is yet to be discussed as a community.

We are the most active from 22:00 ST but that doesn’t mean you cannot find anybody online during daytime.

Raiding days and raid size:
We are aiming to make a flexible schedule where we announce the raid nights 2-3 weeks in advance and choosing days which suits most of us, so we can plan ahead. Once this period is over we can plan ahead 2-3 weeks again and so on.

We would like to keep the raid size to rather small or medium, aiming to get at least 10 active people so we can make 10man raids, or go with 13-14 people as sometimes 10man scales poorly.

General information:
We are going to keep the community clean of toxicity, to create a mature, calm and try hard free environment. So everyone can enjoy the “endgame” even if they are new or veteran players. We also do mythic runs and planning to do some older content if this is your cup of tea.

Current size of the community:
~20 characters however some are still leveling up, gearing and some are not that active.

Mainly looking for:
DPS (Preferably ranged but all are welcome!)

Feel free to contact me here via posting to this topic, or add me on Ferlabor#2323

Thank you if you reached this point, hope to see you in-game!

Im a BM and MM hunter ilvl 215, 9/10 hm adn 10/10 nm raid. raider io of 850 all dungeon are done 10+.

im looking for this type of community, the be able to run 15+ m+ on every dungeon and raid 10/10hm

Hey. I’m interested as this suits my schedule perfectly, I’ve sent you a friend request (coming from Vaas#2225). Mainly play resto or feral.

Hello I am interested in joining, I am looking to raid around the times you stated and I have lots of previous raid experience.

I am playing shadow at the moment.

Hi. Is this still a thing?

Hello, is this community still active?

Hi, I would like to join you community if possible. Are you still looking for dps?