(A) Legion X is recruiting for raid and M+

Legion X is an Alliance guild on the Silvermoon server. We formed in early May 2020 and we’re steadily growing. We’re a friendly bunch of players who enjoy having fun in guild chat and on discord. We’re open to all like-minded players whether you’re looking for a place to chill while you farm dailies and achievements or enjoy Mythic+ and raiding.

At the moment we are focused on building our team to start raiding mythic again in 9.2. We currently raid on Friday and Tuesday from 20:00 - 22:00 (server times) We’re looking for raiders who are comfortable with their class and are interested in progress. The emphasis is on having fun, progressing as a team, and building a stable mythic roster.

10/10 Heroic Sanctum of Domination

4/10 Mythic Castle Nathria

10/10 Heroic Castle Nathria

12/12 Heroic Ny’alotha, the Waking City

What we are looking for:

Priest (Shadow)


Druid (Balance)

Deathknight (Unholy, Frost)

All classes are welcome to apply, so please get in touch if you feel we’d be a good fit for you. Tanks roles are very set for raids, but we would welcome m+ tanks.

We also enjoy M+ and enjoy pushing keys. We usually have a guild group pushing keys every night, but we also welcome people who are willing to put the effort into learning M+ and who would like to play as a guild group. We won’t be boosting people, but we do a range of key levels and we are happy to help people learn and improve.

If you’re looking for a place to play WOW with a chilled bunch of friendly people who are willing to lend a hand then Legion X is the guild for you.

If you want to know more about the guild or have any questions, please contact us here or anyone online in the guild - we are all available to help.

Contact Samcaekz (in-game) Samcaekz#1720 (bnet) Samcaekz#1196 (discord)

Please feel free to join us on discord where someone from the guild is usually online - discord.gg/YHhKFAz

We also have a community for anyone who wants to try out cross-realm, and soon cross faction. https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/XyPe9dfnzw?region=EU&faction=Alliance

We are currently looking for ranged dps only for our raid team. Socials and other non raiders are of course always welcome no matter the spec :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

we are still looking for a couple of ranged dps, druids especially welcome <3

come and join us for the new raid tier, fun and relaxed raiding and m+ <3

we still have some raid spots left for dps, social and m+ players are always welcome <3

While we already have a solid roster for 9.2, we are still interested a couple of ranged dps, a mage and boomkin specifically, although please feel free to talk to us if those are not the classes you play.

Non-raiders are of course welcome as well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’ve updated the post with our current raiding needs, would love to have a mage <3

We are still looking for mages in particular as well as anyone with a healing offspec.
Anyone is of course welcome to join us and we are always happy to take non raiders too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We are currently 3/10 hc and are looking for a few more raiders to join us in progression.
Non raiders are of course always welcome too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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