I am looking for a guild with one heroic raid per week (except Wednesday and Saturday). I was an active mythic raider as a druid healer during WOD and the beginning of legion. Then I played a paladin dps during ToS and became paladin main tank soon after. I was a member and officer of Tiger Rebels on Antonidas EU and part of every first kill up until Uldir CE.
After that I took a significant break. Later, I was active as a tank in a 1-day heroic raid during Nyalotha and later Castle Nathria. Sadly, the raid got disbanded.
I have a lot responsibilities in my real life so I don’t have the time for more than one raid per week (except Wednesday and Saturday) and I am more of a casual player. However, I am looking for a guild where it is possible to do some mythic + or other activities together and just hang out in discord sometimes. The paladin is my main character and I would really prefer to tank, but I get that it will probably not be possible from the beginning so DPS is fine!
One day raids are hard to find so I hope I get some responses I also have no problem with a quick server transfer if it is a good fit
My raider io profile if someone wants to dig in my past: raider io characters/eu/ravencrest/Zakuro
Discord: Zakuro#2577
Bnet: Zakuro#2734
Best regards,