Returning player after a break (early BFA).
Have played wow on / off since wotlk.
In the start of BFA I played Paladin and raided Uldir HC and Mythic - night time (23:00 - 03:00).
Now that I’m done studying and working, I’m looking for a new Guild with raid times that suits me better, and some Guildies to run m + with.
Would be nice to have raids on friday / saturday / sunday evening, but open to other options.
I have now re-rolled to Rogue (outlaw). 426 (neck: 66)
Night Vision @ Silvermoon [A] - Late night raiding guild (23-02 ST).
More Info
Hi there.
I run a small Alliance guild on Quel’thalas raiding HC and doing some M+ other times. Our days/times are Thursday and Sunday 8-11pm server time and we’re currently recruiting more dps. I’d like to have a chat with you and have listed my contact info below if you’re interested. Thx 
Max. Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222.
Critical Strike (A) guild in silvermoon we are recruting currently 8/8 heroic and 3/8 M we raid Wed / Frid / Sat heroic and mythic our timings are 19:00 to 22:00 and we are also pretty active on M+ get in touch with me on discord if you are interested so i can explain you more stufF
Discord ID: wyDXByM