Champions of the Alliance, Heroes of Azeroth
My name is Konkrete and I am looking for 4 players who are as equally ‘insane’ as I am!
Yes. Insane.
I’m organising a Reputation Grind where you only gain a Bloodsail Admiral’s Hat.
So, there is no title involved.
- All Quests completed (Questie is an AddOn to track this progress)
- Having a fair chunk of raid gear to combat the guards in Booty Bay
- Being Insane, dedicated and hardcore beyond imagination
- Perfectly fine with an extensive time of grinding together (10-15 hours for Bloodsail to become Exalted) for little to no reward
LF4M Players:
- 1 Holy Paladin
- 1 Restoration Druid
- 2 DPS
The Plan: Part 1
- Putting Booty Bay in the Reputation Pane ‘At War’
- Go to Booty Bay and start killing the NPC’s
- Infinite Guards who nets you for a living will come
- Kill Guards and use safe spots to recover
- We leave Booty Bay when all 5 players are 999/1000 Exalted with the Bloodsail Buccanneers.
- Complete the Quest ‘Avast, Ye Admiral’
The Plan: Part 2
Technically this part can be done solo, if people wanna remain grouped for shipz and gigglez that’s super.
- Fly to Menethil Harbor
- Use the boat to Theramore Isle
- Ride with mount to ‘The Merchant Coast > The Lost Rigger Cove’
- Start killing the ‘Southsea Pirates’
People who are interested in this dedicated, insane and passionate grind can contact me ingame under the name of Konkrete, if I’m not online your best bets is to reach me over the ingame e-mail system.
/hat off